betta in cold water

well at the moment my little guy is sitting with a desk lamp shining on him and a towel raped around him..and iv stoped treeting him pop eye it did not seem to be working and sincei v moved him his eyes are clearer but still big...:) but i odnt think he likes his little home he just sits and sulks if i dont come over and talk to him
Hi Candy. Sounds like you are keeping him warm enough. I would continue treating for the popeye. Sometimes the fish never gets well from popeye. Do a 100% water change every time before you medicate. Getting the fish to eat is a big concern. Sometimes you need to feed live foods if they stop eating the normal diet you feed them. One way to help boost the immune system is to hatch BBS, and enrich them by feeding vitamins and other things, such as spirulina and selco. This will allow the betta to digest things that are hard to get him to consume otherwise. I always enrich my BBS I feed my fry, and have had to use it on a couple bettas that got parasites from frozen foods I fed. There is not much there for the betta to eat,(BBS) but they like eating live foods so much, it will stimulate them to feed if they have live foods swimming around. My suggestion would be to keep the water warm and clean, medicate for popeye, and keep the betta eating high protein foods. If you can manage to add vitamins to it's diet, it will be even better. Hope it heals up for you. :thumbs:

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