Hi guys/gals,
Boy the betta scandal still goes on....
Betta lovers everywhere only want to do the best for the fish they love. Emotions will run high.
I have had several betta's over the years now and these fish continue to amaze me.
I find that what may be good for one betta may freak betta #2 out .
Let me give you an example. We had at one time three males all in 1 gals, unfiltered, still tanks. Enter a 2 gal. filtered tank (housed one of the kids fish before we bought a 10 for them) my daughter decided to let her sister use the 2 gal for her betta. We carefully placed his gravel , plant & cave into the 2 gal. Add him and he starts flipping out... swimming rapidly, flaring constantly etc. I panic thinking OMG the water is wrong for him...put him back into the org. tank (minus decorations...he calmed immediatly .The water in both tanks were the same!( tested it twice) His problem..he didn't like the filter!! So we redid his old setup & he is still with us. Water changes 100% weekly.
We bought a new betta for the 2 gal. he never had any problems with the filter hum. Partial water changes weekly. new filter media every other month.
Another betta was kept in my 55 gal. he thought he was Mr. King fish & would swim through the bubble wall. Fish #3 went into a filtered 10gal was stressed alot until I took out the bubble wand! Since then he builds these huge bubblenests all the time. Partial water changes
Basically YOU know the fish you own, everyone WILL do it the way they want and maybe if advice is given in a positive heartfelt way they MAY or May not take the advice.
I can look at any of my tanks now and pretty much know by the fish behavior what the water tests will read and if I need to take extra steps for the welfare of my fish.
As for the original post question I think the bowls cycle pretty much the same way as the big tanks but if you do full changes it's never really a cycled bowl.
I hope this post does not offend ANYONE as these are just my thought's about my betta's and wantted to share my experiences.