Betta in a Fluval Chi

Oh wow he is nice.

I think you need to add a floating plant your tank is a bit bright.

I am a nut when it comes to plants, as I say " as long as the fish don't need a chain saw to move around, there is no such thing as too many plants " Bettas love a heavily planted tank, once he settles in start teaching him to take food from your finger, to flare on command, that kind of stuff. This is both good for the fish and fun for both of you.

This is me tormenting one of my Males, as you can see he hates it, Please note how many floating plants I have, Bettas will actually sleep in floating plants like Water Sprite or Riccia if they have it.

He is showing the ping pong ball whos boss,
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I actually added one today but they only had the one. Was from a pet shop though as I couldn't get to the LFS. Will try grab some more on the weekend. Thanks mate
Go to Pet Barn, Buy Anubias they are usually $15 tied to a bit of wood, Pick the ones with 2 or 3 plants and split them, Its easy.

Crypts are about $8 for a pot, Pick the one with the most leaves, Usually there are 2 or 3 plants in the pot and these can easily be split up

Water wisteria (Hygrophila difformis) about $6 this makes a great floating plant.

Do not worry if you get a few so called pest snails, they are not pests at all, In fact they are beneficial and most will quickly die off once there is no food for them.
Little update, added some plants.

Have already noticed a change in him, swimming through them and resting on them, looks really pleased.

I like that, now you see how important floating plants are.
very happy. The plants aren't natural floating plants. Any suggestions?
They should be fine, you may need some Seachem Flourish complete supplement for the planted tank, a small bottle will do.
Add about 1 drop a week.

watch that bit of wood and the way its sitting, I can see some gaps, and when it comes to squeezing into gaps, Bettas take it as a personal challenge to try and squeeze into small spots like that.
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I have some flourish left over from my last planted tank, it was co2 injected so I didn't fert much.

Is it worth getting iron etc supplements?
Im not the person to answer that as I only use Flourish when I remember and then its only a few drops.
ok, I have the co2 gear here somewhere but dont really want to set it up. Might just use the flourish I have and see how they go
Just doing some night obsevations.

Is it normal for him to almost wedge himself into a plant and sleep? It almost looks like he is using the leaves as a hammock?
Yes, perfectly normal and yes he is using the plant as a hammock its the way Bettas sleep.

Now get ready for the next surprise, Once he is old enough, He will find a quiet spot among the floating plants to build a bubble nest, and sometimes they build bubble nests so big it looks like somebody put detergent into the water.

Something like this. Image not mine.

So if you come home one afternoon and see something like the above image, don't panic
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tank still running along nicely.

Have started some low fert additions as I added some floating moss that required it. Also found some almond leaves at my lfs so I have one in there melting away.

He seems like a pretty happy chap :)

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