Betta In A Community Tank


New Member
May 23, 2011
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Hi guys...

Will my betta be ok together with neon tetras, cherry shrimp and corydora catfish?
He should be OK with cories (plain coloured, don't nip); he might eat cherry shrimp, some bettas do as they are small enough to fit in their mouths; neon tetras - he could be OK, sometimes they nip betta's fins. How many neons do you have; tetras tend to be more nippy if there arent enough of them.
essjay is right, but neon tetras would annoy him, and he could die of stress, because they are such active fish, and they will nip his fins

if the tank is less than 20 gallons, then no tetras anyways, because they are active fish
i haven't bought any of those yet... Still planing... That's why I asked 1st before buying... Coz i wanna make sure... :D

Well, i was really planning to breed the cherry shrimps coz i'm gonna use the babies as live food.
i have my male betta in a tank with corys and endlers. and no problems at all. good thing about the endlers, they look fab and don't fin nip....
i have my male betta in a tank with corys and endlers. and no problems at all. good thing about the endlers, they look fab and don't fin nip....
can you upload a pix of endlers? I havent seen those kind of fish before. Thanx
If you look in Livebearers on this forum there are pictures of Endlers there :good:
These are endlers

There are more varieties than those shown in the link, googling them will find images. The endlers in shops are virtually all hybrids with guppies, but they still look like endlers. They are smaller than guppies but don't have long tails to tempt a betta. The females are plain beigey grey.

Until I had a tank reshuffle, I had a betta with pygmy cories and endlers with no problems.
very beautiful... although i haven't seen any petshops selling endlers here in our town...

will the cherry shrimps and cory co exist peacefully..?
yes, corys are very peaceful fish, i have several in my tank with lots of shrimp and they are fine
hey there can some 1 help me out her and tell me what fish are good to put in with a betta please i just got my tank but havent put any fish in yet.
My betta ate my neons! But I think I just have a very aggressive betta!
hicksey, there are some bettas that won't tolerate any tank mates, but usually you can have some carefully chosen ones. A shoal of corydoras are usually OK as they are plain colours and live on the bottom of the tank. The species of cory depends on how big the tank is. Some stay small (pygmy, habrosus and hastatus) while the other get bigger so obviously need a bigger tank. Snails generally go well with bettas, the bigger pretty ones like apple or nerite snails, but you need a minimum of 25 litres as snails are messy. I've had endlers in the same tank as my plakat. Some people have kept otocinclus with bettas - though you need to make sure you can meet the needs of otos before getting them.

You'll notice that most of the fish I've suggested are grey. That would make for a boring community tank. If you've only just got your tank you'll have a couple of months of cycling to decide exactly what you want in it.

The alternative would be to get another tank, around 20 litres minimum, just for a betta :)
Essay thanks for your help I have a 48 litre tank and I'm just trying to pick easy fish to look after as this is my first tank
What do bettas like in the tank as in plants and ornaments all your help would be grateful

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