betta in 10g


Fish Crazy
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
Chattanooga, Tennessee (USA)
My mom has a blue male betta in a community tank and he is a good fish in there. I know they are all not that way. He is in with a pleco, 2 corys, 3 serpae tetras.

I have an empty 10g and am thinking I'd like to have a betta in it. I like black neons and wonder if anyone else has kept these fish together? If it would work better for some reason, I could move my regular neons to the 10g and the black neons to the 20g. I know the regular neons stay lower in both the 10g and 20g I've had them in, so they wouldn't compete for space.

What do you guys think? My mom's seems to love the bigger space and is very tame, eats from your fingers.

Secondly, how would you go about finding the mildest betta, the one least likely to fight? In dogs, there are many things I could look for as clues to dominance and other temperament issues. I am not sure if this is possible in fish.

Do not put Neon Tetras in with a Betta, as they are fin-nippers with Bettas. Sometimes to the point where the Betta dies from the abuse. I don't know about Black Tetras, but, if they are nippy at all, the Betta WILL suffer. They just aren't fast enough to get away with those long, flowing fins, and they make easy targets.

It's hard to tell which Bettas are truly docile, but a good cue is when they aren't flaring at their neighbors.
I wouldn't recommend black neons because they are VERY closely related to regular neons. It can be done, but it is rare to successfully combine bettas with neons. For the sake of your betta, I would not have any kind of tetra in there that is known for nipping. If you want a betta in a ten gallon community tank, try it with a school of cory cats. They generally get along very well.
I have some hi-fin white skirt tetras and some glow lite tetras in my sorority and they're both great. They just kind of school around and don't even care about my bettas.

I definitely agree with Falcon, though. Cories are wonderful tankmates. I have two spotted cories in my tanks. SO cute. They're SO docile and have cute personalities.
purly for the fact that black neons reach 2"
as adults, no 10 g is too small.
Okay, I will rethink the betta in the 10g with the black neons. What about the betta in the 20g? I have 5 regular neons in there that run from my gourami and don't mess with her. Also in there are 3 corys and 2 ottos. The gourami will be moved to the 55g before I add a betta.

Well, like I said, it CAN be done and if your betta in the 20 gallon doesn't seem to be getting harrassed or vice versa, he/she should be fine. I just wouldn't do it on a regular basis.

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