Betta in 10 gal


Fish Fanatic
Jul 17, 2004
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i have a male betta with four neon tetras, one cory cat, two unknown tetras, but he has been acting really shy
he will always stay at the top of the tank, swimming at the surface, and will often hide behind the filter. Is he shy or is he just getting used to the fish? at feeding time he won't come out unless i put the food in his area, it's like he is afraid of the other fish... what could be wrong
he used to love laying down in his plant, but now he just lays on the suction cup behind the filter
only time will tell, i guess
How long has he been in that set up? It doesn't really *sound* like hes sick. Hard to say without seeing the behavior. I keep a betta in my 55 community and he tends to stick up around the surface too. Comes around for food and I'll see him swim around the bottom now and again, but really tends to stick around the surface in the back of the tank.
he's been in the tank for a week now, he was the first in the tank
i then added the neons, then the cory and the unknown tetras
he seems to like the area around the filter and the heater alot...he even plays with the filter
i guess he is okay, i was just wondering if maybe he didn't like the other fish
im suprised he hasn't even chased the neons, they are so small :X
ive been watching it ever since i put in the new fish, and i am sure the tetras are peaceful. they mainly stick together, and don't really bother the betta
im thinking that he might stay there because of the vibration of the filter, and the extra warmth of the heater :dunno:
sometimes neons stress out bettas because they are almost always moving around, and are extremely fast swimmers.. maybe you should seperate him from the neons as a test?

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