Betta has some small pinholes

Where are the holes located? You say it's in his fins, but not which ones. I have a betta that had it in his ventral fins when I got him from the store, but then again, he also had fin rot. I treated him with maracynII for fin rot, but even afterwards he still had the pin holes. As time went on and I started varying his diet the holes began to mend and are no longer present. Note: For water changes, I use salt, water and stress coat. I feed my betta (the one that had fin rot) bettamin flakes, frozen bloodworms, daphnia and from brine shrimp. Tank temp is usually set at 78 degrees.
Hi again,

I'm going to see if I can get my hands on some frozen brine shrip like you suggested and the vitamins. I've never tried pellets so not sure if they will eat them but I would think they would eat the BS as they love bloodworms.

Well the water conditions of the tank are perfect...I tested today...not sure about the betta that's in the bowl though...would it make sense to test the water if I'm changing most of it everyday? I also add dechlorinator to my water...also been adding salt with every water change.

The temp in the tank are around 78 but in the bowl it is a lot cooler....not sure how I can get the temp to go higher in the bowl...I don't have any type of light that can go over it.

The betta in the tank that I thought had holes I'm not sure if they are now...they don't go all the way through ...I'm thinking it is just thin areas ...unless they are about to turn into holes. His thin spots are in his anal fin. The betta in the bowl he now has 4 pinholes as well as fungas growing off part of his anal fin. Three of the pin holes are in his dorsal fin near the front and one of the pin holes is in his anal fin near the back. I feel so sorry for him!!! I gave him some fungas medication today as well as some salt. I also changed about 75% of his water. He is healthy and active otherwise.

I'm going to make a trip to my lfs tomorrow and ask if they sell frozen brine ship. What is Daphnia? I'm sure they'll have it..they have a small fridge packed full of stuff.

Thank you...really appriciate all your help!!! :nod:
I decided to move the betta in the bowl into the tank in a breeding's a lot warmer in there.

I went to and found out he's got cotton fin fungas (that's what I suspected) anyways it said on there that "Most important action is to do water changes and increase water circulation of the system. Saprolegina prefers to live in stagnant water. Sometimes improvement of water quality alone will erradicate the disease."

I don't know if I did the right thing but I think he's better off in the warmer, cleaner water. Ugh...I feel so down!!! :( When my fish are sick I get so worried and sad :-(

Glad I found this forum though it's helped me so much!!
hey, my bettas, especially my female has these small holes to. but on her their just clear spots, theres still finage there. i dunno wtf it is but it had me worryed for a lil while there. iv been treating wit melfix and salt. id recommend the same for your fish :nod:
GuppyDude, yeah same here the one betta it's like clear spots but still finage...I'm hoping they don't become holes. Well like I said before...if I could get my hands on some some Melafix I would.....I'm so :crazy: :sly: that they don't sell it here. I read on a site somewhere that it's still being approved or something for europe. Hurry up lol :)

Having fish is a stressful hobby eh!!!

I hope your fish gets better...let me know if the thin spots go away!!

I'm going to just try and keep my water clean and use well as start feeding them vitamins with a more varied diet and hope it helps....I might also need to do another treatment for the fungas on the one. Argh!!
For Europe? It's available here (england) and I'm fairly sure we're part of Europe...

Isn't melafix mostly tea tree oil?
Well if you got it in England then it was probably an old article or something.

If you have it there then why don't we have it here..I'm like 2 hours away by'd think it would be here....

I was at Swedens largest fish store on Saturday and they didn't sell it .....

The only store I've managed to find that sells it internationally is but shipping is crazy so I've been reluctant to buy it :/

I am not sure what it's made of...I wonder if adding tree tea oil would do the same....I'm not game enough to try it.
if u pay shipping and for the melafix i can get u some huge bottels of the stuff, iv got 1 big bottle and it itself is a life supply. its great stuff, works miracles :thumbs:

What are the sizes they sell it in?? I think I've only seen the 8 ounce bottles and 16 ounce bottles on-line.

How much would you use though when you treat a tank....such as a 26 gallon tank and a 14 gallon tank??

Try and find out how much shipping would be to Sweden. I'm sure if you sent it it would be a lot cheaper because a company is like charging a lot in handling fees and stuff. If shipping if like 10-15 dollars I'd be happy to pay that...coule even be cheaper if you packed it in a really small box or something with like bubble wrap around it.

Let me know!!! :thumbs:
Tekk, when your bettas holes healed, I imagine it was the conditions you put it in that helped heal good water, better foods. The temp and cleanliness of the water means alot. A varied diet means the fish is getting different vitamins naturally.
..One way of heating a bowl, is to buy a heating mat for a reptile cage. It will heat the water real good. It will take some constant checking, but you can figure out how to get the temp just right.

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