Betta has some small pinholes


Fish Herder
Jul 1, 2004
Reaction score
I am wondering if these pin holes in his tail are going to lead to fin rot because I read that small pin holes in the fins can be a early sign of fin rot.

If so what are the precautions I should be taking? I've been adding salt to the tank...I really dont want to add any medications as it's a new tank and I don't want to kill all the benificial bacteria thats begining to grow.

I believe he got it from the pet store as he was kept in just a tiny plastic bag and there was a lot of poop in the bag when I bought him.

Any advice?? :/
One of my earlier bettas had a tiny pin hole in his tail. Keep his tank extremely clean and feed him maybe live foods, my fish get nothing other than and in MPO live foods help boost their immune system and promote better health over all. If not then maybe put him in a temporary tank (1-gallon) and use meds in there (downsize the doses!) because you stated you don't want to kill off your' benificial bacteria. I don't know if pin holes lead to fin rot, this post will also serve as a *bump*. Good luck with him though! :)
What is a bump?

Well I can't get my hands on any live foods....all the stores I've been to only sell frozen. I've been feeding them just bloodworm for now...wondering if I should give them some flakes too? The tank is still cycling so I don'twant to feed them too much.

You could try feeding your betta some Hikari Betta Bio-Gold Baby Pellets. I hear those pellets do something good for you betta, but what? :p
The holes are not fin rot. However, it is getting ready to blow his fins. They will split and probably tear. He needs to be in a small container where you can change his water every day, and medicate with melafix. Melafix is not a med, but it is a natural healing agent for damaged fins and abrasions.
That really sux....why do they blow their fins??

We don't have Melafix here in Sweden....and I don't think I can order it either....don't think they allow it here yet.

What else can I do for him?

Why do I have to move him to a smaller container....I would think the tank would be clean enough it's got a filter and it's only him and another betta in it.

I've just been doing 15% water changes every other day as well as adding salt.
The main reason I say put in a smaller tank is to medicate or change water daily. It is much easier to change 1 gal or less daily than to do a 10 gal. If you can't get melafix, try to get some Indian Almond leaves. Most use them for spawning, but it helps heal as well. I boil the leaves and make a tea, and just add some of the tea into the tank each day when the water change is done. I have read that the pinholes are a result of a vitamin deficiency. You can get foods with vitamins added, or soak frozen foods in vitamins as they thaw, and feed. Just adding vitamins in the water does not do much, as the fish needs to have the vitamins internally. Daily water changes along with warmer temps will help also.
Hi Elizabeth
Sorry that you are haveing problems again :(
I can't help on this one, I just wanted to say that melafix is
bad for bettas which is wht the compant that makes it produces
Bettafix. Try a google for bettafix and see if you can get that on-line.

I hope all your troubles will soon be behind you.
danio2004 said:
Hi Elizabeth
Sorry that you are haveing problems again :(
I can't help on this one, I just wanted to say that melafix is
bad for bettas which is wht the compant that makes it produces
Bettafix. Try a google for bettafix and see if you can get that on-line.

I hope all your troubles will soon be behind you.
actually melafix and bettafix are the exact same thing, just different concentrations to make dosing a small container easier. bettafix is measured in drops and melafix in teaspoons.
Hi again,

Alrigthy I will try and get my hands on some indian almond you think they would sell them in a grocery store...or health food store??

About the vitamins...are they special fish vitamins or what kind of vitamins are you talking about?

I'm really sad to hear that it's possibly a vitamin deficiency as I try and give a variety of foods. Flakes, frozen bloodworm and occasionally peas.

Argh!! I'm getting so tired of running into problems....seems I can go awhile with everything being great and then wham something hits!!

Now one of my other betta boys who chewed his fins off is developing some fungus on the tips of his fins...also he's got 2 pin holes in his fins as well :S

Well as soon as you get back with me about the vitamins I'll go to the shops and try and find some.

Hi Danio!!
I know I seem to be getting a bunch of problems all of a sudden :unsure: I hope I can cure all of my fishies!! I told my boyfriend if these fish end up dieing we're buying a lizard LOL :lol: Just kiddin..I couldn't give up em too much :)

I wonder why a lot of things aren't avaliable here if there was 1 thing I'd wish for it would be Melafix....well and also Bettafix. I'll do a search but I'm not even sure if those kinds of things are allowed into Sweden....

Well thanks and I hope these troubles pass too!! :)
Also what kind of food would I use when soaking in the vitamins? The only pellets I've seen here are chiclids...would those be ok for a Betta?
I just called 2 pet stores....1 carried a liquid vitamin and the other didn't carry any type of vitamins. Both places said that fish food is packed with vitamins and that I shouldn't have to buy any extra vitamins. hmmm?

I know that fish food starts to go off once you open long does that take? I'm wondering if the food I am feeding them has lost a lot of vitamins or something.
The liquid vitamins is what I meant. Most foods only have what vitamins have in them naturally. You can get enriched foods. Both frozen and flaked. I'm not sure if it is a vitamin deficiency, but have read that is what causes it. I soak frozen BS in the liquid vit. You can also soak the pellets if your fish eat them well. It could even be a condition of your water, but without testing, it's hard to tell. What temp is the water. I also read that cooler temps will cause the finnage to thin. I would try clean water, add vit. to some food, and keep the temps in upper 70's to low 80's.

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