Betta Has Been Behaving Strangely. Help!


New Member
Jul 21, 2012
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Hi there

I have had my betta for around 3 weeks and he has been really happy, huge appetite and building a big bubble nest until a few days ago when I put new fresh plants in the tank. He is still really active and hyper when you come near the tank and eating as much as he is allowed but he has taken to lying either on the bottom of the tank or on top of the plant leaves when he is resting. He is also swimming really close to the plants, weaving into really tight corners between leaves and moving around a lot. His colour looks the same as normal, no white spots. I have changed around 30% of the water every 4-5 days.

Could he have a parasite, or is this just a variation of normal?
Resting on plant leaves is normal :) He is probably just having a good time exploring. My betta did the same thing with his new plants, so I wouldn't worry. :lol:
Thanks for the reassurance. I guess I am over analysing, if he was sick I wanted to catch it early. He does look happy, so I will leave him to explore his plants.

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