Betta Gotta Go!


Fish Fanatic
Nov 21, 2002
Reaction score
We had a peaceful tank for all of a week.
Betta behaved beautifully, :angel: swam around with three silver sailfin mollies, six leopard danios, three clown loaches.......... then we added two guoramis!
Mayhem ensued. The male betta :devil: won't give up his relentless persuit of the poor gouramis. He chases them, flaring at them and biting their scales off!
We are getting some dwarf guoramis soon, so our lovely betta is going back to the lfs :-(
Male Bettas are funny like that. I have seen them act all psycho before also. Mostly towards fish with flarey fins. Maybe he sees them as a threat. ?

If he has started chaces are it will continue till someone is finless. I would suggest moving him like you mentioned.

Good Luck with mean Betta :eek:
Your male betta see's the gouramis as another male betta's so he wants them out of 'his' terratory, the only thing u can do is return one or the other, probably best if it is the betta u return as any other bright coloured similar size fish u add will be treated the same.
Yes, he went back today :-( got a pair of gold Rams :D
How the the victims seem now that he is gone ?
You will be happier with the pair of rams. :rolleyes: They are fairly easy to breed also. Keep an eye on them though because they can get a bit nippy toward there tank mates. Especially if breeding.
Peaceful tank again, thanks Danny.
The Rams are young, but I think they're both males :blink: One of them chases the other away from the front of the tank, so the second one stays with the gouramis :huh:
kittyuk said:
Peaceful tank again, thanks Danny.
The Rams are young, but I think they're both males :blink: One of them chases the other away from the front of the tank, so the second one stays with the gouramis :huh:
You may want to keep a close eye on that for a while. I had two male Rams at one stage, one a bully, the other totally timid. The hunter absolutely brutalised it's counterpart, regularly signalling aggressive body language, as well as chasing & even butting the other until I eventually removed the aggressor.

My case is fairly rare tho, & you should be right. Just keep an eye out because Rams dont take well to being bullied at all.

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