betta got trapped in the siphon

I hope he'll be ok - I nearly ended up sucking up a cory the other day. Then as soon as that fiasco was over I looked in the bucket and saw a kuhlii loach swimming around in there :lol:
I tried lifting the siphon out of the water, putting it completely under the water, everything. He was completely stuck :crazy:

He's looking much better today. Hopefully once I return from work the filter will have arrived. He better have learned his lesson :grr: :rolleyes:
That happened to me with a swordtail not too long ago..All I heard was a *thump* *crunch* and he bent in half and went thru the whole length of tubing and died. That was a terrible sound. :-(
Teelie said:
Or he's defending his territory. At my local LFS, one of the employees has a Percula Clown named Otis who is the same way. He's severely defensive of the entire tank and hates anything unfamilar to be in there.
Sky042 is talking about an oscar named nemo, not a clownfish, I read his signature. My fish are to fast/powerful/smart to get stuck/go in the the siphon. The betta was being curious, and due to long finnage, couldn't turn around and swim free. I'm glad he made it out alive :thumbs:
Yes, I've tried telling the betta "curiosity killed the cat," but he just doesn't listen :rolleyes:

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