betta got trapped in the siphon


Mar 23, 2003
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My poor little opaque. I was doing a big water change, so I started siphoning and put the end of the siphon in the gravel, so the betta couldn't get to it. I guess the siphon got dislodged, and my little guy started swimming up the siphon. He couldn't get down again since he was facing the wrong way. I noticed after a few seconds, but couldn't get him out. After a little while I resorted to jiggling the siphon, and he eventually plopped out :X

He's doing alright now- breathing heavily, but that's expected. I've added some aquarium salt and will be giving him brine shrimp to apologize.

I just wanted to share my experience so that you guys won't make the same mistake I did.
Argh. I HAVE done that....with a blue ram. :-( Unfortunately he did not make it..... :byebye:

Good luck and a speedy recovery to your opaque! :thumbs:
I've had that almost happen with my female Bettas. Both are curious and unafraid and one went too close to the siphon and almost got sucked in but I was keeping an eye on them and after a brief moment she got free of the suction. Still scared me though.
awww :( FM im Sooooorrry :'( and CC hope your betta feels better :'( thats sad you guys :( im afraid of using the siphonnn nowwww~ :p i'll take care of it when it comes to clean my 30 or 29 :(
Sorry to hear about your blue ram Chris :rip: Thanks for the good wishes :)

Teelie: I almost had a heart attack when I saw by betta struggling in the siphon. It seemed like ages before I got him out!

Thanks Dolores! My little guy's new filter should arrive tomorrow- I'm sure that'll make his day :p
Hmm you almost killed your fish with a siphon thats very sad but at least he made it.

Personally when I'm siphoning Nemo's tank my hands are fearing for their lives he has a tendancy to attack the siphon and my hands. He's got the notion that everything that enters the tank is food.
Or he's defending his territory. At my local LFS, one of the employees has a Percula Clown named Otis who is the same way. He's severely defensive of the entire tank and hates anything unfamilar to be in there.
Teelie said:
Or he's defending his territory. At my local LFS, one of the employees has a Percula Clown named Otis who is the same way. He's severely defensive of the entire tank and hates anything unfamilar to be in there.
Nemo is also a drama queen. when I'm done siphoning and have added the water back in he'll lie on the bottom of the gravel gasping for air. Then if I walk out of the room and wait like 1 mins then peak around the corner where he can't see me I'll see him up and swimming around like usual. If I walk back in the room it's back to the bottom of the tank gasping. I think he's playing games with me......Guess they don't wall oscars "Water Dogs" for nothing.
my neons sometimes swim up the siphon. they are so curious when i put it in and they watch the little bits flow up it.

lol btw when i read the title of this thread i though it said "betta got raped in the siphon" :crazy: sorry just had to share that :D
So Sorry to hear that, I hope He recovers fully
Hope he's okay. My Albino Cory did exactly the same thing the other day - I looked away for 2 seconds, looked back and zip there he is up the pipe! :crazy: I nearly had a fit - couldn't get him out at first so had to shake him out.

He sank to the bottom and lay there gasping for 2 minutes, then he was fine. I popped a bit of stress-coat in in case he'd knocked anything. He's been a little quiet the past few days so I am keeping watch on him, but I think he just scared himself. Sure as hell scared me!! :-(
Sorry to hear about that CC; I'm optimistic your betta will recover fully :)

That happened to me with a 2 centimeter platy fry who decided to zip up into the siphon before I could react (old reflexes and such). I lifted the siphon completely out of the water and he got flushed back into the tank completely unharmed. I bet it was like an amusement park ride for him :p :D

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