Betta/Goldfish Foundation Idea

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Michelle's Hot
May 3, 2004
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Ive been thinking about this for a while now. You see all these poor bettas and goldfish in these crap conditions, or in tanks to small, or just not taken care of.

I was thinking it would be great to start a foundation so to speak where it would be able toprovide people the tanks for the fish, or if they didnt want to take care of the fish anymore, though would have a place to send it to, instead of the crappy LFS or the sewer system.

There would have to be a place were the fish would be kept, and many tanks would be needed, but it would be worth it for the fish. then the fish would be able to be adopted away, or course there would have to be a small charge, so that the place would be able to still support the fish.

I know some Asian countries do this, but I have never herd of anything in the Us or the UK.

What do yall think of the idea?
dunno but mabye there should be more of a focus on the LFSs, afterall I've seen some terrible ones in garden centers, cos the guys in them have just been picked randomly
(yesterday I saw a tankful of 40 dead tetras, the guy just didnt even care!)

the idea sounds good btw, anyform of protection is a big step in the right direction
Hmmm.... The thing is, if youre ignorant enough to keep it in crappy conditions in the first place, surely you're not going to hand it over just because someone told you the tank was too small. Maake sense? Mebbe not, but since the fish is going to be stunted, the person is going to say 'of course its big enough! Walmart sold it to us and said it was big enough'. Etc.
i think itd be great sorta a fish rescue center!there is a goldfish rescue center in the US i saw the website once

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