Betta Girl With Big Open Sore


Fish Fanatic
Dec 9, 2005
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Okay this has probably been going on for 5 months so here is the long list of what has happened. My betta girl, Apostrophe, was in an unfiltered tank so I was doing a 100% water change and she was reacclimating in her "baby cup". She jumped out while I was out of the room, but I found her relatively quickly so I thought she would probably be okay with pristine water.

Unfortunately she developed fin rot so I stepped up water changes to every other day and then her wound on her side grew bigger and developed columnaris so I realized I had to take drastic measures and did a full cycle of maracyn 1 and 2. When I got done with that her fins really disintegrated, but I hoped it had gotten the infection out so I moved her back into a 1g bare tank and salted it to .1% and have been changing it daily. It's been about a month since the whole maracyn treatment, and her fins are definitely getting better but her sore on her side has been getting worse. I've tried dabbing peroxide and iodine on it(on seperate occasions of course), but neither seemed to really help and I think it stressed her out quite a bit. Up until yesterday the sore has been white in color and she was pretty much active and eating and acting like normal, but she seems to be getting worse now. I just changed her about an hour ago and added some bettafix which I think is pretty much like melafix, but more expensive :rolleyes:

I really thought she was getting better with the salt, but now I'm worried that I need to do more, but I also don't want to overmedicate! Ugh! What do you guys suggest? I'm changing her water everyday so the stats remain 0/0/10(from the tap). My ph is high around 8. She's in a 1 gallon tank I thought about moving her to larger one but would make the full water changes more difficult and I'm worried that adding a filter would stress her more. Thanks
Hello Imber,
You should post this message on the Tropical Fish Emergency forum. :) I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble with your fish. I hope it gets better soon.
Ok I'll make a new post over there, thanks.

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