Betta getting stuck too u3 filter

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I would recommend against adding the tetras. In my experience bettas do much better alone. Tetras can get a bit nippy and will stress out your betta. Especially if he doesn't have anywhere to hide. One thing to note about your set-up is that bettas like to hang out near the surface and they like having plants that they can hide behind or rest on near the surface. I would add something taller like a java fern/amazon sword or put in some floating plants like frogbit. It depends how large your tank is. Is it 10G? Or more? If it's 20G, an amazon sword would be great.
I have 2 amazon swords in tank at the moment the pics of it are in a message earlier in thread (if i sent them right ) tank is 125L so 30 odd gallons i think
yeah i mean betta behavior is unpredictable. sometimes they go well with other fish, other times not so much.
You can kind of test it by showing them a video of another Betta/fish or showing the Betta it’s reflection.

Usually if it’s a chill Betta, it gets pushed around by the other fish. The fish will also gang up on the Betta, going after him in a group.

If he’s aggressive, he will stress out the fish and himself.
If you put a picture or bin liner on the back of the tank, the fish would feel more secure and not try to hide. Floating plants will help too
I forgot, I had a U3 or U4, can't remember, on my sorority once. Found it too powerful. The fish would go flying at feeding times. I opted for a double sponge filter in the end, would recommend. Very cheap on ebay and just need an air pump. The bettas appreciated it too
He didn't show up for dinner. Searched every inch. No blue Betta. No remains, nothing. Couldn't sleep. Decided he jumped out and Abby ate him. She eats anything that hits the floor. In the morning he appears for breakfast. Looks pretty banged up. Stiff and sore, but he eats. Lg bloody patch on his back, no flaring of his fins, but some swimming. Thought about the hospital tank, but decided not to cause more stress. This morning he's better, I'll do a water change and arrange the rocks to eliminate any holes or small passageways. I knew Bettas would do this and I should have been more careful.
He didn't show up for dinner. Searched every inch. No blue Betta. No remains, nothing. Couldn't sleep. Decided he jumped out and Abby ate him. She eats anything that hits the floor. In the morning he appears for breakfast. Looks pretty banged up. Stiff and sore, but he eats. Lg bloody patch on his back, no flaring of his fins, but some swimming. Thought about the hospital tank, but decided not to cause more stress. This morning he's better, I'll do a water change and arrange the rocks to eliminate any holes or small passageways. I knew Bettas would do this and I should have been more careful.
That’s just tragic... I hope your betta gets better
Thanks. He's much better now. In my 40L I have 6 Kitty Tetras, 12 Mollies, 4 Pepper Cory's, 5 Synodontis Nigriventris, a Dwarf Guarami and a Betta. Am I over stocked...yes. I enjoy doing water changes and partial cleanings of glass, gravel and filters. Water tests are fine. All the fish are non aggressive and even friendly. It really depends on the individual fish. Best to be prepared if you're not so lucky. You're Betta seems shy or insecure. A background may help him feel not so exposed. I believe nice tank mates create confidence and reduce fear. Do the research and good luck.
Thanks. He's much better now. In my 40L I have 6 Kitty Tetras, 12 Mollies, 4 Pepper Cory's, 5 Synodontis Nigriventris, a Dwarf Guarami and a Betta. Am I over stocked...yes. I enjoy doing water changes and partial cleanings of glass, gravel and filters. Water tests are fine. All the fish are non aggressive and even friendly. It really depends on the individual fish. Best to be prepared if you're not so lucky. You're Betta seems shy or insecure. A background may help him feel not so exposed. I believe nice tank mates create confidence and reduce fear. Do the research and good luck.
You're not just overstocked, you have fish which require different GH. Not only are you attempting a betta in a community tank, but you also have another species of labyrinth fish in with it aswell as fast swimming, fin nippers. That stocking is going to cause you alot of problems in the long run
I have a guppy who likes to sleep stuck to the overflow intake ( its to big for him to actually go through ) but he sleeps every night stuck to it. Then in the morning just swims away. And this is a huge tank with plenty of places for him to go
Thanks. He's much better now. In my 40L I have 6 Kitty Tetras, 12 Mollies, 4 Pepper Cory's, 5 Synodontis Nigriventris, a Dwarf Guarami and a Betta. Am I over stocked...yes. I enjoy doing water changes and partial cleanings of glass, gravel and filters. Water tests are fine. All the fish are non aggressive and even friendly. It really depends on the individual fish. Best to be prepared if you're not so lucky. You're Betta seems shy or insecure. A background may help him feel not so exposed. I believe nice tank mates create confidence and reduce fear. Do the research and good luck.
That's not just overstocked, that's willful animal cruelty.
That species of synodontis can reach four inches long, and you have five of them crammed in a ten gallon. Those poor mollies have no room to swim either - my mollies reach over 4 inches when fully grown and several years old, and swim the length of a 57 gallon with ease, I can't imagine them as full grown adults crammed into a 10 gallon.

Do you just not even care about their long term health and welfare? Why even keep fish if you're not even going to try to give them a decent home and lifespan?
Have no idea what you're yelling about. For now they are in a 40 gal long tank. I have a friend that is planning to take a couple of Synos and we will both be looking for 75s or 125s. Long before any are too big or suffering. I'm gone.
Have no idea what you're yelling about. For now they are in a 40 gal long tank. I have a friend that is planning to take a couple of Synos and we will both be looking for 75s or 125s. Long before any are too big or suffering. I'm gone.
You said you have all of those fish in a 40 LITRE tank. That's ten US gallons. That's what I was yelling about.

If you misspoke and meant 40 gallon, not in a 40 litre, then just say that, but don't blame me for your mistake.

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