Betta Genetics


Fish Fanatic
Nov 24, 2005
Reaction score
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
For those of you who breed your bettas, do you know anything about genetics and use it when selecting pairs. I'm currently going through a genetics unit in biology and I find it really interesting. If anyone has betta related genetics material I'd love to see it.
Oooo, those were some sites I hadn't seen, thanks for the links! Knowing a bit of genetics is very helpful when breeding bettas, otherwise it's just kinda a shot in the dark what you're going to get out of a spawn (moreso than it is normally, that is.) For example, I knew I was going to get DTs and coppers out of my current spawn because the parents were DT and copper geno :nod:

Here's another good sites with some helpful articles on betta genetics:

I myself am a genetics junky. I'm hoping to become a research cytogeneticist some day, so I find it all incredibly interesting.
Yeah, I like genetics although Punnet squares just confuse me.... The thing is though most geno information is about colour, which I'm not *overly* interested in... I can generally gather that green fish+green fish= mostly green fish but I'd much rather know that it takes about 3 spawns to get 100% CTPK.
Yeah, I like genetics although Punnet squares just confuse me.... The thing is though most geno information is about colour, which I'm not *overly* interested in... I can generally gather that green fish+green fish= mostly green fish but I'd much rather know that it takes about 3 spawns to get 100% CTPK.
I think this is because tail type genetics are infinitely less complicated, hehe.
All you really need to know is that CT is supposedly recessive (though personally I'd call it incompletely dominant, since CT geno fish are often combtail), DT is recessive, plakat is recessive, and caudal spread is quantitative (a function of multiple genes and environmental factors) :thumbs:
^I think my head just exploded. :lol:
Thankfully I have a basic grasp of how genetics work so any and all scientific talk can go to smeg as it just makes my head want to burst.
Yeah, I like genetics although Punnet squares just confuse me.... The thing is though most geno information is about colour, which I'm not *overly* interested in... I can generally gather that green fish+green fish= mostly green fish but I'd much rather know that it takes about 3 spawns to get 100% CTPK.
I think this is because tail type genetics are infinitely less complicated, hehe.
All you really need to know is that CT is supposedly recessive (though personally I'd call it incompletely dominant, since CT geno fish are often combtail), DT is recessive, plakat is recessive, and caudal spread is quantitative (a function of multiple genes and environmental factors) :thumbs:

So would I be able to say in regards to dominance:


The order may be wrong, but would it work like that with multiple alelles?

*Genetics Rocks*
Hmm... not exactly. You can accurately say:
long-finned > plakat
single tail > DT

... and that's about it. Non-CT > CT is sorta accurate as well, but like I said, I think of CT as incompletely dominant. See, all the tail type traits aren't variations (alleles) on the same gene (locus), they are determined by multiple genes, so you can actually have combinations of tail types... Finnage length, DT or ST, and CT are all on different loci. So like... to determine the overall tail type of a fish, you have to take three things into consideration:

Finnage length locus -- alleles for long-finned or short-finned
DT locus -- alleles for DT or ST
CT locus -- alleles for CT or not

You can actually have DT CT plakats and so on :)
You can actually have DT CT plakats and so on

Yeah :drool: Actually Synirr, I'm inspired by the DTCTPK thingy in the website linked to your sig... KG had a DTPK at the moment, I'm so darn tempted with the 'random tailtype' outcome :X
Thanks for the links... I found the discussion on "Copper & Marking" very interesting.
You can actually have DT CT plakats and so on

Yeah :drool: Actually Synirr, I'm inspired by the DTCTPK thingy in the website linked to your sig... KG had a DTPK at the moment, I'm so darn tempted with the 'random tailtype' outcome :X
Me too! I think I'm going to get my future copper CT plakat line established (which I'll begin work on as soon as I move my current juvies to a bigger tank and free up the 10 gallon,) then breed a DT into the mix and work on that. I swear to God, if I EVER get my hands on an albino betta, that's the line that bad boy is going into. Think of it... is there anything rarer than an albino DT CT plakat? :p
The only thing left after that would be to get my hand on one of those bettas with 4 ventral fins I saw on Aquabid a while back! :lol:
*imagines what chaos would ensue if Synirr got hold of a cloning machiney thing*
*insert visions of chunks of rare bettas randomly going missing and hundreds of copies of them appearing on TFF*
*imagines what chaos would ensue if Synirr got hold of a cloning machiney thing*
*insert visions of chunks of rare bettas randomly going missing and hundreds of copies of them appearing on TFF*
Does it put your mind at ease to know I'll be going into genetics research as a profession? :whistle:
*imagines what chaos would ensue if Synirr got hold of a cloning machiney thing*
*insert visions of chunks of rare bettas randomly going missing and hundreds of copies of them appearing on TFF*
Does it put your mind at ease to know I'll be going into genetics research as a profession? :whistle:

Seriously, I was planning on becoming a doctor, and I've even signed up for pre-med next year in university, but genetics has really caught my attention. I should actually be studying for my genetics unit test right now, but since we are already talking about punnett squares I guess this kinda counts.

The urge to breed these darn things is getting stronger and stronger... :(

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