Its a kinda MAGIC!! ^_^
i want it 

Upon close inspection lastnight I have noticed that I have a few Ventral less fry. Easier to spot now with them being bigger. Some of the fry have 1 long and 1 short ventrals, others are perfect.
I will NEVER cull any fry (unless extreme needs be) so I will still be selling these at a reduced price when they are ready, if not Ill just buy another tank and keep them myself![]()
I haven't visited this section in a while. Congratulations on a successful spawn, Sausagewinkle! Very good results for a first spawn and I like your setup. It is practical and efficient. Fish without ventrals or deformed ventrals can still make great pets as long as people don't breed them. My longest-lived betta had a deformed gill plate and his brothers had no ventral fins.
I think number 3 maybe a female yeah, but she is my keeper im afraid. she was giant 2 in the earlier section of the thread with Gandor. If i decide not to keep her then she is yours![]()
i can see why your keeping her Vickii was also eyeing 3 up