Betta Foods


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Aug 12, 2003
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Warm and Sunny Arizona
when i got my first betta last week i bought top fin betta bites. yesterday i bought two bettas and some temporary betta hexes (they get 1 gallons later this week), and the hexes came with another brand of betta food, with an asian-like name (can't recall at moment) and are bigger balls than the top fin crumbs. not sure about the difference, though they seemed to see the bigger food better, and ate it up quick, but if there a difference? has anyone noticed their bettas prefer a certain food? any foods that you've noticed really help color? what other foods besides the betta bites type thing can they eat/like to eat? want to give my bettas the best possible care. :wub:
I use Nutrafin Max Betta Food. They really like it ..... :p they are in flake form.
I feed frozen, flakes and blood worm ;) (LUCKY I KNOW) also MANY_A_MOLLY can you please not post this so many times thanks ;)
Mine won't eat anything... and I do mean ANYthing... other than Wardley Betta Food pellets.
I have only given mine one kind of betta food. HBH Betta Bites. He loves it!! The second I put it in, he gobbles it all up! But mine, when in the main tank, also ate regular fish flakes. Occasionally, he gets freeze-dried bloodworms. but not all the time. he eats too much and I don't want him to get fat and die.
I found Hikari to be the best brand so far. The others, especially Wardleys, leave an oily like residue on top of the water plus they sink too fast. My bettas are spoiled though. I have to feed them one piece at a time. Very time consuming when you have multiple fish. I love em anyway, its like a bonding thing.
I use those BettaMin flakes, but now I'm using some tropical fish food because of the other food. a lot of people say bettas won't eat flake food, but all mine always have :shifty: LOL
I feed my bettas HBH Betta bites as well as dried blood worms. They love them :)
Mine loves the tetra BettaMin, especially the little freeze dried brine shrimp in it. Also loves frozen bloodworms. But if its not that it has to be Hikari.
SneakBetta said:
I use those BettaMin flakes, but now I'm using some tropical fish food because of the other food. a lot of people say bettas won't eat flake food, but all mine always have :shifty: LOL
They will eat them if they are taught to eat them from a little baby...and they will also eat it in a survival situation :D

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