Betta Food

Kiarra said:
I'd offer him other choices of food, but keep offering the pellet food you have. For instance, offer him the pellets in the morning, and then offer him something else at night. Find something he'll eat, and then try to vary his diet by offering him other things at feedings, instead of what he will eat.
Thanks. Today he's eating the pellets and not spitting them out.
basstracker_v16 said:
I picked up some baby brine shrimp eggs a few days ago. Didnt think till later that
hay, why baby ones?? I would love to try my 2 guys on some live food, where/how
would I get adult brine, or bloodworms from? Would regular red worms u use for
fishing work or wax worms?
Baby brine shrimp are a bit too small for adults. Wax worms should be OK, but unless you get smallish ones they are too big. I had a great sucess with small ones.
Gazoo said:
My betta loves Hikari's Betta Bio-Gold and frozen bloodworms.
mine too love hikari bio-gold pellets. ocassionally they get frozen mysis shrimp as a treat.
I feed min Hikari Betta Bio-Gold Pellets as staple. They LOVE live brine Shrimp & Tubiflex Worms. Other Once-In-A-While foods are Bettamin Flakes, Freeze Dried Bloodworms & Brine Shrimp.

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