Betta Food


Fish Fanatic
Mar 18, 2005
Reaction score
Gravesend, England
What do you feed your betta? I need to find something mine likes.

I got my first Betta yesterday and he/she looks happy. Chases my rainbow shark.. well not chase, slowly moves towards him and my shark swims away. Hes only young.. bout 3 inches. When hes bigger i think the roles might change.

Anyway what do you feed bettas please?
my newly acquired male will only eat tetra pro as he spits everything else out, including bloodworm. my females eat anything though, the piggies, the fav being bloodworm but they eat any flake too.
Mine love brine shrimp. They like to chase them about :) I feed mine (especially the yellow guy) with a pipette, its a lot easier and they are more likely to take it.
3 inches long? thats bigger than my adults! Are you counting the tail into the measurement?
OohFeeshy said:
Mine love brine shrimp. They like to chase them about
I picked up some baby brine shrimp eggs a few days ago. Didnt think till later that
hay, why baby ones?? I would love to try my 2 guys on some live food, where/how
would I get adult brine, or bloodworms from? Would regular red worms u use for
fishing work or wax worms?
Mine get fed: HBH Betta Bites pellets, Hikari Betta Bio-Gold pellets, frozen bloodworms, live blackworms, frozen brine shrimp, and peas. And random insects I find around the house. One of my Plakats especially loves the random insects.
OrkyBetta said:
3 inches long? thats bigger than my adults! Are you counting the tail into the measurement?
Yeah i meant the shark is 3 inches :)

The betta is blue and has a blue/red tail. Looks really nice.
I feed mine a random combo of (but mostly pellets):
Aqua Culture or Hikari Bio Gold pellets
Frozen blood worms
Freeze dried blood worms
Freeze dried brine shrimp

The get 3 pellets in the morning and 2-3 in the evening.
Every few days they get something else from the list too.
Their fave is peas. Everyone loves them.
I fed Sushi Freeze Dried Blood Worms, pellets (can't remember the brand), and I tried freeze dried baby brine shrimp, but he didn't like it.
I bought my first betta last week and he frequently spits out his pellet food. I only give him a pellet at a time and he occasionally keeps it down. Should I ask the lfs what they feed him and use that or should I wait a bit longer and see if he adjusts?


Sorry, I meant this to be a new topic.
I'd offer him other choices of food, but keep offering the pellet food you have. For instance, offer him the pellets in the morning, and then offer him something else at night. Find something he'll eat, and then try to vary his diet by offering him other things at feedings, instead of what he will eat.

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