Betta Food


Fish Crazy
Oct 22, 2008
Reaction score
Ryhope Sunderland
Whats best for them ?

I only have flakes at the moment but my male is turning his nose up at them so should i buy pellets and bloodworm and stop using the flakes?
Things like Hikari Betta gold and betta pro are great for Bettas and not that expensive either. You should be able to pick them up at your lfs :)
Hikari Micro Wafers tend to go over pretty big, too.
And we can't forget the all-important weekly feed of tiny, bite-sized bits of pea to help clean out the betta system...
Mine eat Hikari Betta Pellets - about 4 a day, Tetra Betta flake - a tiny pinch a day. They also get bloodworms about twice a week, and my Loki ate Hikari Micro Wafers for a while when her little mouth was too small for betta pellets! She loved them
If you can, try to get some live food once a week from your LFS, they love it - especially baby brine shrimps (fine-sieve them first and rinse as the water in those little packets is disgusting and could contaminate your water).

My betta is quite fussy - he refuses to eat flake and most dried foods. There are these new jellified foods out in little sachets - bloodworms, daphnia, brine shrimp - they are quite good and he eats those. I can't think of the name of them off-hand, sorry. Mainly he eats all frozen foods, live foods, crushed peas and jelly foods.

This is sort of off topic...but can flakes spoil in the heat? I've had mine in my truck for a couple of days :crazy: woops!
This is sort of off topic...but can flakes spoil in the heat? I've had mine in my truck for a couple of days :crazy: woops!
With just the heat from a hot truck, I don't think so. If they were exposed to moisture, and the seal was broken already, then possibly. The container didn't melt, did it? :blink:
This is sort of off topic...but can flakes spoil in the heat? I've had mine in my truck for a couple of days :crazy: woops!
With just the heat from a hot truck, I don't think so. If they were exposed to moisture, and the seal was broken already, then possibly. The container didn't melt, did it? :blink:

LOL no the container didn't melt! Okay well just wanted to make sure it would be safe to give! Don't want to my Bettas to get food poisoning :sick: or worse! Thanks! :good:
I bought a frozen pack of bloodworm for my betta whats the best way to feed him them?

I have been putting them in to a bit of tank water then dropping a few in but he sucks them up spits them back out and swims off
I think your betta is spoilt. Dont feed him for a few days he will then eat what you give him! :good: :good:
If you can, try to get some live food once a week from your LFS, they love it - especially baby brine shrimps (fine-sieve them first and rinse as the water in those little packets is disgusting and could contaminate your water).

My betta is quite fussy - he refuses to eat flake and most dried foods. There are these new jellified foods out in little sachets - bloodworms, daphnia, brine shrimp - they are quite good and he eats those. I can't think of the name of them off-hand, sorry. Mainly he eats all frozen foods, live foods, crushed peas and jelly foods.


And I thought mine were fussy eaters, apart from the two newest.
I'm not showing them this...
Most of my bettas will eat just about anything that can fit in their mouths. All but one female who will only eat pellets.

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