Betta Food


New Member
Apr 9, 2007
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i have been feeding my betta fish freze dryed blood worms for every meal i read that this is unhealthy but he wont eat the betta flakes what should i do?
try frozzen bloodworms, far better for him. mabey some live daphnia. give him some flakes finely crumbled, if he dont eat them then leave him til the next feed and try him with them again. he will eventualy eat them if he is hungry. but remember to remove any uneaten stuff
you still dont want to give them frozen bloodworms as an everyday thing, it's like feeding us sugar all the time. they should be used as a treat. if he wont eat flakes, try pellets (as it has been said).
i don't agree on "forcing" the fish to eat by starving him until he gives in. i forget who used this example on here, but i really liked it. they said "would you try to feed a baby something they don't like and just starve it until it finally ate it or would you try different foods to see which ones (that were good for it) it would eat."
i don't agree on "forcing" the fish to eat by starving him until he gives in. i forget who used this example on here, but i really liked it. they said "would you try to feed a baby something they don't like and just starve it until it finally ate it or would you try different foods to see which ones (that were good for it) it would eat."

that was me that said it. :) haha. most bettas will eat some type of pellet or flake, you might have to do a little shopping around to find the right kind though. it seems that just about every betta is a picky eater and has very specific tastes as to what they will and will not eat. this is part of the deal of having a betta as a pet though.
Hikari's Betta Bio Gold and Hikari's Baby Cichlid pellets are usually very appetizing to bettas. These were recommended to me when I first got Max b/c he wasn't eating. If you're close to a Petsmart - they sell them. Almost every betta loves frozen bloodworms (you give them thawed though, of course.) I wouldn't agree that bloodworms are like sugar to people and only to be given as treats. Bloodworms (from frozen) are pure protein - and bettas are carnivores so "meat" is good for them. I wouldn't feed it at every feeding... but you could give 2 pellets in the a.m. and maybe 2-3 bloodworms in the p.m. And changing it up with other frozen/thawed products like brine shrimp and daphnia. Freeze-dried anything often leads to constipation and have been told to avoid them. You just have to be careful not to overfeed them - it's especially easy to do b/c once they find their appetites - they become accomplished beggars... and when feeding the frozen product - it's easy to keep feeding them more b/c they're enjoying it so much... but you can kill them with love if you give in. Good luck with feeding a better food for your betta!
you still dont want to give them frozen bloodworms as an everyday thing, it's like feeding us sugar all the time. they should be used as a treat. if he wont eat flakes, try pellets (as it has been said).
i don't agree on "forcing" the fish to eat by starving him until he gives in. i forget who used this example on here, but i really liked it. they said "would you try to feed a baby something they don't like and just starve it until it finally ate it or would you try different foods to see which ones (that were good for it) it would eat."

if the fish is well fed previously, then a day or so without fod will do the fish no harm. im not saying starve the fish into eating flackes, but encourage with a little rummblin tum

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