Betta fix

Where can you buy BettaMAX? Right now, I'm unable to order things online :/
You might want to do a search - I know that people have been having trouble finding it, but I believe someone recently posted that it was available at an lfs near then and that they would be happy to pick it up if anyone was interested.
BettaMax is an excellent product, but the reason it is becoming increasingly difficult to find is because the manufacturer, Aquatronics has gone Chapter 11. See this thread:

It's been my experience that MelaFix will sometimes work wonderfully and other times not do a thing. I suspect that this might be because because some strains of the bacteria that causes finrot and other similar symptoms on bettas, corys and other fish seem to be resistant to it. I think it's a handy remedy that is worth a try, however if the fish doesn't respond in just a few days time, forget about it and move to another product. :D
yeah-everywhere seems to still carry bettamax. i remember someone that lived down the street from them saying not too long ago that they werent going out of business, just moving. i thikn everyone heard that rumor from bettatalk and i dont think its true either.
cation said:
One thing I find interesting is that the only two people who have said that they had good results with MelaFix/BettaFix with bettas are Julie and me - and we live less then 100 miles away from each other. Why is this important, one might ask? Because our water comes from the same source and has basically the same water chem. This may have nothing to do with - but I hope you can see where I'm trying to go with this.
Just wanted to say, I think that is a very valid point. :nod: I really doubt our water varies much, we're only 45 min or so apart! :p I think that many medications work differently in the varying waters we use them in, so this may be one of them. There is a possibility that something in our water prevents it from becoming to strong or something. :dunno: Personally, I like Melafix, and do use Bettafix when I have a small problem. It has never seemed to hurt!
geh, melafix didnt help it, i think it made my betta worse =/ ive tried finding bettamax in stores but i kant find it in petsmart, petco or walmart, er i dunno any other store that sells fish stuff so yup... where ken you get bettaMAX [not on the internet]

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