Betta fix

It's never made much of a difference for me, it is basically a diluted version of Melafix. Some people have problems using Melafix with bettas, so prefer to have the diluted stuff, but personally I prefer Melafix.
bettafix is evil. any medicine you pay 2.00 for is no good anyways. use bettaMAX instead. thats the best stuff for bettas.
Whatever. :rolleyes: I get so sick of hearing this.

Julie's right, it's diluted MelaFix. And Melafix has a high amount of tea tree oil in it. Tea tree oil's pretty good stuff. Non-toxic when dosed correctly, a naturally produced chemical. Could be a lot worse.

And I can find indian almond leaf for $2.00, and that's considered quite good medicine for bettas by many people.
bettafix is crap. back in my beginning bettas days, i used it and it never helped a single betta. i know very few people that hvae had success with it. as much as i would like to tell people it works, it doesnt.
well indian almond leaves arent things you can buy at the lfs,nor are they traditional medicine. i am actually using one to treat one of my sick bettas right now and he is doing even better than he was in bettaMAX surprisingly!
jacblades said:
bettafix is crap. back in my beginning bettas days, i used it and it never helped a single betta. i know very few people that hvae had success with it. as much as i would like to tell people it works, it doesnt.
Well, now that you've shown me the light, I'll never use it


BettaFix or MelaFix, or even just a bit of salt, has been enough to cure any betta prob I've had.

And I believe if you asked any Thai breeder, they might say that IAL is one of the most "traditional medicines" around.
cation, you dont have to be rude. it also sounds like your bettas have never been truly ill. most people who responsibly keep bettas agree bettaMAX is the way to go.
i also doubt most people have almond leaves at their disposal so it doesnt matter. unless you live in asia...
yup I agree with Jac. bettafix is crap and has been known to harm bettas more than do any good. BettaMax has vitamins in it as well as medicine to help even more, and it does an excellent job.
I tried BettaFix before. It doesn't seem to do anything. Melafix nearly killed a couple of my fighters. They looked so listless and drugged up. I will never use that product ever again. Also, Amquel+Plus killed all my white clouds. Some smell comes from it, like sulfur, after it's been in the water less than an hour. I will NEVER use that product, either!

I'll just stick with StressCoat, MethyBlue, BettaMax, Aquarium salt, and BioZyme. Maybe a water clarifier. Anything else is a waste.
Itty Bitty Betta said:
I tried BettaFix before. It doesn't seem to do anything. Melafix nearly killed a couple of my fighters. They looked so listless and drugged up. I will never use that product ever again. Also, Amquel+Plus killed all my white clouds. Some smell comes from it, like sulfur, after it's been in the water less than an hour. I will NEVER use that product, either!

I'll just stick with StressCoat, MethyBlue, BettaMax, Aquarium salt, and BioZyme. Maybe a water clarifier. Anything else is a waste.
i dont think its the amquel that killed your fish. i use amquel plus for all of my fish and turtles and i think its great. the smell is from the added electrolytes. (thats what electrolyte drink mix smells like) i have 22 tanks and its great stuff. i wouldnt ever use anything different. i think it has to be used with novaqua to be effective. (or maybe thats just a marketing plea but i use novaqua with mine) :)
jacblades said:
cation, you dont have to be rude. it also sounds like your bettas have never been truly ill.
First of all, I found your response to be rude. Just because you don't like a product doesn't mean you have to act like all other opinions are wrong. And the statements about the product being "crap" and "evil"? Pretty rude, if you ask me. Now, I would never have mentioned that, but since it seems important to you to call me out, I'll gladly repay the favor. Clearly, I am in the minority in my opinion on this product, but I'm okay with that. Every body has their own opinions. However, thanks for the scolding, mom. May I suggest a thicker skin?

Secondly, who are you to decide if my bettas have been "seriously ill"? Generally, my bettas are healthly. There are reasons for that - I take scrupulous care of their water quality, I am careful about what they eat, and I rearrange them every so often so the get a new buddy to flare at. However, I have had ill bettas. They have all recovered with the medicines I've listed. You don't have to respect my opinions - In fact, you've made it clear that you don't - you don't have to agree with them. But I'm getting sick of the know-it-all attitude. Once again, just my opinion.
jacblades said:
i dont think its the amquel that killed your fish. i use amquel plus for all of my fish and turtles and i think its great. the smell is from the added electrolytes. (thats what electrolyte drink mix smells like) i have 22 tanks and its great stuff. i wouldnt ever use anything different. i think it has to be used with novaqua to be effective. (or maybe thats just a marketing plea but i use novaqua with mine) :)
Then how come I put a few drops of AmQuel in the tank and then they were all spazing out 15 minutes later? They were all fine just before I put the AmQuel in.

In either case, I don't trust that product anymore - just as you don't trust Petco.
sorry for hijacking...
but cation-i think you have the words rude and humorous mixed up. i dont seriously mean the stuff is evil. i cant believe you didnt see that i was joking. i just dont like it and have heard that it can cause harm to bettas. if you like it-ok-so be it. use it for your bettas.
im not sure where i stated that i didnt respect your opinions. please send me the quote of that so i may apologize.

who am i? i am jacblades ;) the reason i said that is because bettafix is not a strong medicine and there is no way that it could cure a seriously ill betta. (or at least i have never heard of it happening) why dont you prove me wrong though? id be glad to buy bettafix if it worked. but for me and many others, it never has :sad: so i will stick with products that work-like bettaMAX.

itty-thats really wierd. i would say maybe you added too much but amquel is safe is double or triple dosed. are you sure there werent any other factors that mihgt have caused it? im going to do some research and see if i can find any other claims like that.
jacblades said:
the reason i said that is because bettafix is not a strong medicine and there is no way that it could cure a seriously ill betta. (or at least i have never heard of it happening) why dont you prove me wrong though?
I don't feel any need to "prove you wrong". I have the empirical evidence I need -that it works just fine for my fish. If you don't like it, don't use it. Clearly we haven't had the same results, and there are too many variables (local water, diet, other chems used in tanks, water temp, salt/no salt, etc...) to determine why that is. Many here say they have had bad, or no, results with it. In that light, I would recommend that the OP use an alternative - I am clearly in the minority, and would recommend that others do NOT, in this case, follow my example. It's not as though I have stock in the company or anything. ;)

However, I have had success with it. As I previously mentioned, the variables involved are such that the chemical reactions created in different tanks are unlikely to be identical. One thing I find interesting is that the only two people who have said that they had good results with MelaFix/BettaFix with bettas are Julie and me - and we live less then 100 miles away from each other. Why is this important, one might ask? Because our water comes from the same source and has basically the same water chem. This may have nothing to do with - but I hope you can see where I'm trying to go with this.

You are correct about the humor misinterpritation - It is often difficult, I've found, to tell when someone is joking without the benefit of looking at their face and/or hearing their voice. Especially with people you haven't known for long (In this case, less then a month). I will admit that this thread, combined with the petco one, were pissing me off a bit. My last post reflected that and was quite rude. However, I certainly don't harbor any ill will towards you.


(I also apologize for my part in htis hijacking! :p )

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