Betta fish not eating much?

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Aug 2, 2019
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Last night my betta didn't eat, (Not in front of me at least, he ignored it. the food was gone in the morning but I think it just sunk) and today only eat half of what he usually does. I did water testing but it all came back perfect. He is not lethargic or showing any other signs of illness. I checked him over and he seems very healthy. Is he sick? Should I be worried?
What size tank? Is it heated?

What are your exact results of the test?
If they're available to you, I recommend bloodworms (frozen, not freeze dried). If not, soak your food in a little bit of garlic, it's an appetite stimulant for them. Most bettas simply can't resist either of those.
Any chance of a picture and short 30 second video of the fish?
If the pictures are too big for the website, set the camera's resolution to its lowest setting and take some more. The lower resolution will make the images smaller and they should fit on this website. Check the pictures on your pc and find a couple that are clear and show the problem, and post them here. Make sure you turn the camera's resolution back up after you have taken the pics otherwise all your pictures will be small.

If the video is too big for this website, post it on YouTube and copy & paste the link here. We can view it at YouTube. If you are using a mobile phone to take the video, have the phone horizontal so the video takes up the entire screen. If you have the phone vertical, you get video in the middle and black on either side.

How long has the tank been set up for?
How long have you had the fish for?
What sort of filter is in the tank?
How often and how do you clean the filter?
How often do you do water changes and how much water do you change?

Test the water for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH.

Do a 75% water change and gravel clean the substrate every day for 2 weeks or until we work out what is wrong.
Make sure any new water is free of chlorine/ chloramine before it's added to the tank.

The following link has information about what to do if your fish get sick. It's long and boring but worth a read when you have some spare time.

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