Betta Fin Got Nipped, What Should I Do?


Fish Crazy
Feb 24, 2014
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So it looks like my African Dwarf Frog finally managed to take a bite out of my betta. Even though I have been telling her to stay out of my frogs way when she's eating haha. Anyways, I was wondering if there is anything I should do to help her heal? I have melafix which I know says it helps repair damaged fins, should I add this?

I would not add anything ending in fix as these contain tea tree oil which coats the bettas (and other anabantoids) labyrinth organ making it harder for them to breathe.
She should just need warm, clean water. I might look into getting her a tank by herself though if she's getting nipped.
Ok, I'll make sure I do a water change tomorrow and I won't add the melafix. I feel like the two of them are still ok together even though she did get bit. I don't think it was out of aggression, more likely because she got in my frog's face while she was eating (i only said she finally managed a bite because my betta's gotten in between her and food before and almost gotten bit). If it becomes a habit or anything more serious happens (the bite is tiny) then I definitely will separate them. Thanks for your response.

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