Betta Fan


Fish Fanatic
Oct 17, 2005
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Hello, figured I'd post on here and say hello...

after writing this up, and then rereading and realizing its an essay, i decided i'd break it down into groups with bold titles.... just to make it easier for ya ;) so yeah, here it is! My essay!!



Just joined due to some strange markings on my betta fry, and I figure this could be very helpful to me, plus fun to read through when i have spare time :D

My name is Bre, I'm 18 - but please dont tell me that just because I'm "so young" that I dont know what I'm doing (youd be surprised how many people tell me that without even first getting to know me) I find that ignorance in the online community tends to be much higher than with people who actually know you. Perhaps its misinterpretation, perhaps people just hold 0 tolerance more often online - I dont know, but i'll let you know now, i don't really tolerate it. Well, I suppose I do I guess, but I won't just "let it slide".

I live in Rhode Island, which is a state in the US between Connecticut and Massachusetts (so many people dont know where it is..)

My Animals

I am completely animal obsessed. I have a bird (lovebird, she's evil and bites :wub: ) named Houdini (Hoey/Houey), I have a black lab named Izzy who is 10 but youd never guess it, I had an iguana, but he died recently :-( and I've had fish for most of my life... i also love bunnies, but my parents wont get me new ones. I had one when i was like 5 but my mom says they stink so we wont get any more. :(

My Fish

I enjoy actually breeding veiltails (i know, strange... but just keep reading, i have reasons!)

I'm sick of seeing these strange looking mutts in stores, and people getting the idea that these are all that veiltails are. I have a beautiful cellophane male VT and he is lovely, with a little DT and very rounded fins, no jagged edges. He's just beautiful! I want to breed BEAUTIFUL veiltails, because I assure you, they can be just as beautiful as a crowntail or doubletail or deltatail or whatevertail! So that's my mission.

but, i must say, i LOVE crowntails and doubletails, too. They're very pretty.

Anyway, I have three tanks, one 29, one 10, and one 55. I also have individual containers (dont worry! theyre kept heated and i clean them, too) for males and juveniles. I currently have 5 females, 2 of which are crowntails, and 3 males. Unfortunately, i just lost my only crowntail male :( So i have to be finding a new one! So now I only have my 3 veiltails. I also just lost the most beautiful crowntail female. She was a very pretty green, but was too small to breed, so i thought i would keep her and wait for her to grow. unfortunately, she died, most likely because of stress.

I have just bred one of my crowntail females and I am very excited about this one, mostly because in the past few they were either eaten by dear ol' daddy, or their daddy completely neglected them and i only got 3 or 4 fish out of it. :lol: But! This same daddy that neglected his earlier batch has pulled through and is taking GREAT care of his new batch, which is my largest so far with (from what i can see) about 50 fry.

How I got into fish breeding

My parents used to breed guppies (it was an accident at first, but then they started selling them :lol: ) And they were the ones to get me into this, along with my boyfriend (who has an unhealthy obsession with sealife) Also, the local pet store (critterhut) helped me into it by being so very accepting even though i was only 17 when i started. They didnt give me the usual "How do you plan on doing this... that... blah" I know It's necesary, but I'm not like that. I did all my research first, and it definately got on my nerves. I loved how the people at that store were so supportive, and they actually knew what they were talking about (one of the few pet shops that takes CARE of their bettas...) and they loved to hear updates and hear what i learned about bettas.

Yaknow, I think thats pretty much all I have! Okay, Hope i get to meet some fellow betta fanatics, and perhaps some other fish fans, too! ;)

Hi! Welcome to the forum! I'm glad that your proud of your fish. That's how every fish owner should be! :)
Hello, and :hi: To TFF!!!

My name is Bre, I'm 18 - but please dont tell me that just because I'm "so young" that I dont know what I'm doing
You'd be surprised on here how young some of our members are! 12, 13, 14, 15 and all the way up to 54.
this forum si actualy quiet "family friendly", so i'm suire you'll fit right in!
thats good! I've gone to about 2 other fish/betta forums, and i was FLAMED without them even ASKING if i knew what i was doing. It's funny how people just assume that anyone under, say, 20, doesnt do the research first... I suppose they have reason, I'll admit lots of my friends would probably just dive into it, but i dislike how im generalized into that group just because i share the age.

This place does seem much nicer so far, im very pleased with it!

and thanks for the welcome :)
thats good! I've gone to about 2 other fish/betta forums, and i was FLAMED without them even ASKING if i knew what i was doing. It's funny how people just assume that anyone under, say, 20, doesnt do the research first... I suppose they have reason, I'll admit lots of my friends would probably just dive into it, but i dislike how im generalized into that group just because i share the age.

This place does seem much nicer so far, im very pleased with it!

and thanks for the welcome :)

I don't know much about Bettas but I have two, a male and a female and I was hoping you could answer a question for me, since you have managed to get babies and apparently retain the parents in good health! My male betta has been living in my 30 gallon community tank for a while. About a month and a half ago he started building bubblenests so I bought him a female. All was well (I don't really expect babies in a community tank, by the way, I just want everyone to be happy) until last week when they started behaviour that looked like mating behavior but ended with all his fins in shreds! I have removed her from the tank for now. Will this behaviour stop (is it cylical?) so that I can put her back, or do I have to give her away (we love him more)?

I hope you know, cause I don't! Thanks a lot,

unless breeding, females shouldnt be kept with males... males shouldnt be kept with any other bettas, because htey will kill them, but also females if not ready to breed will not hesitate to attack the male, as well. If youd want to breed them, youd only keep the female in the tank for the breeding time (max 3 or so days for most people) and then remove her... I'd say yes, you do have to keep one of them out of the tank... if you dont want to get rid of her, you could try having a second, smaller tank. You could also try using dividers, net breeders, etc to keep them from each other. Theres a few options.

oh, and its perfectly normal for a male betta to make a bubblenest, he'll be happy without a female still, so for future reference, he'll be fine alone ;)

and make sure you treat the male so he wont get any problems with his fins. Fin rot can come out of injured fins, plus more stuff. So i'd seperate him for a few days for treatment.

Hope that helps you!
unless breeding, females shouldnt be kept with males... males shouldnt be kept with any other bettas, because htey will kill them, but also females if not ready to breed will not hesitate to attack the male, as well. If youd want to breed them, youd only keep the female in the tank for the breeding time (max 3 or so days for most people) and then remove her... I'd say yes, you do have to keep one of them out of the tank... if you dont want to get rid of her, you could try having a second, smaller tank. You could also try using dividers, net breeders, etc to keep them from each other. Theres a few options.

oh, and its perfectly normal for a male betta to make a bubblenest, he'll be happy without a female still, so for future reference, he'll be fine alone ;)

and make sure you treat the male so he wont get any problems with his fins. Fin rot can come out of injured fins, plus more stuff. So i'd seperate him for a few days for treatment.

Hope that helps you!
Thanks, Bre...I wonder why they got along so well for so long? :huh: I had hoped that in a big, planted tank there wouldn't be any problems with territory because there's always somewhere else to go...seemed to work until now. Do you know the name of the medicine I should treat him with? There seems to be a kind of white webbing growing where his fins are ripped - either they're growing back or it is, as you say, fin rot (eeek).

Thanks again, Dana
Actually, the large tank is probably why they got along for a bit, maybe? I'm not sure, but all the same, its no good now haha.

I use Melafix, and i just today bought some stuff called Bettafix, im assuming its probably by the same company (both end in fix - a clever naming), but maybe that the bettafix one is more directed towards betta treatment. Either way, i've used melafix and havent had a problem. I also give the tank he's in some aquarium salt, it helps them to heal as well. Also a constant temperature of 80 is recommended for treatment, but its not absolutely necesary if thats hard for you to do.
Hey I love Bettas 2...Lol im new to this so i wont give you any advice or it may kill your fish :D ...I was wondering if i got a female Betta and a male betta which i have but i love them because thats the only pretty thing in my aquarium and was wondering if they would fight? Does anyone know anything about neon tetras i can sure use some help in that area... 2 of mine already died! i only have one more... :( ...hope it isnt a sickness...
dont put male bettas with any other bettas! not even females, they will fight. and try posting in the actual forums - this board is just for people to introduce themselves and all :) questions go in the actual forums. Try tropical fish chat and the betta forum (tropical for tetras and betta for bettas!)
Hi and welcome to the forum. :hi:

I'm one of the OLD members here being 53. I don't think you have to worry about being judged by your age. We have a lot of VERY knowledgable members who are in their early and mid teens. You would never guess their age by reading their posts.

I have a theory about young people and fish keeping. Fish keeping by young people may seem like a hobby but I think it is great preperation for life as you learn responsibility. I think young people who take care of their fish (or any pets for that matter) and make the commitment to do what it takes to keep their tanks in good condition will probably do well in life as they have learned responsibility which so many kids today never learn.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy your stay here. Have fun and ask all the questions you want.
aw, thats great to hear rdd1952! It's nice to know someone thinks that... my parents were completely against me doing it, but they didnt stop me.. mostly i wanted to cuz of watching them... but then once i started they thought it was really cool seeing the babies and all. now they totally support it ;)

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