Betta Excitement!


Fish Herder
Nov 6, 2012
Reaction score
Currently on hold!

Was going to collect this morning, but hubby had to rush back out to work :,( so now a lunchtime collection.

Dropping off my previous fish from this tank was a strange feeling! I hate giving up an fish or any animal BUT it wasnt working, nothing worse than having to check a tank for injuries :(

Link to tank probs

Hope they all find a well looked after tank to thrive in.


My next task is to catch the CAE I bought in march for my 180 litre and return to the other fish store before it turns to a protein diet killing my lovely honey Gouramis.

Then..... Pic up my new betta which I know has been in the lfs for months :D

I will post pics later today OR tomorrow :)

Here is a bad pic I took a while ago to give you a general idea - I know he's the same colour as Vader but poor thing needs a loving home :D


Oh and names, I'm thinking either "Luther" or "Darth" maybe, but I think Luther will win the vote (so named after the detective Luther from BBC1 Tuesday 9pm :) scary stuff)
No I think it's a plakat but I'm no expert :D

Ah here's a link I've seen:


My camera battery has run out and I have no space on my phone, but I have him/her currently acclimatising in his/her new space.

Yes the identity is still holding some confusion, as when the betta was bagged, it changed colour quite dramatically and he said only females do that?! So any help on differentiating the sex of my new fish would be appreciated, and then a name can be chosen :D
mmmmm. the fins are only short. could be female. I have both. a veil tail male named vader. and 3 females called dippsy flippsy and mop. I know some males only have short fins so its not a given. but my 3 ladies do flush there colours when they are happy. they get very noticeable black horizontal bars when I feed them. shameless
Bigcheed what colour is your veiltail?

This is my Vader:


Awesome choice of name by the way :D

I will post a better pic of my new betta within a few days as that was taken a while ago, see if it helps decide :)
Nice betta! Be sure to get Some more pics up ASAP. :)
Cool that you were able to get the new fish.  My guess with the pic on this thread is that it is a male plakat.  All bettas will change color especially when stressed so it is not something that just females do. 
My Vader is blue like yours but when he moves and the light catches him he turns a deep crimson red. Having both colours of the light and dark side thought Vader suited him perfectly. I'll try and post a pic soon.
Yes please do bigcheed, on this thread so I don't miss it too :)

Luther has only given me one heart attack so far:

Spent 50 mins acclimatising, then a further 45 mins with lights still off but could I find him anywhere?
Started to slightly panic - has he jumped and got caught on the light? Where the heck is he?! turned lights on, still no Luther, frantically looking around and then he pops his little mouth out from under a small piece of flat bogwood I have in with Anubias present. Phew!!

Thanks Blondielovesfish, all seems to be going well so far, and 'Luther' has eaten too :D

I will endeavour to take some photos tomorrow :)
I look forward to seeing more photo's! :D
Its great that he's settled in well, hope he brings you years of joy, with the occasional heart attack ;)
here is an old pic of vader but one the best. his home looks a little different. plants mostley have changed. and the addition of a couple of nerite snails whom have completely clean the algae of that ornament. got to love those

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