Before I removed her the first time she was picking on the male. I removed her so the male wouldn't be stressed while he was holding.Any idea why she died?
She was picking on the male and they don't normally fight. Seems odd that she would up and die.
I used to put sponge or filter floss in the gaps on the coverglass to stop fish jumping out.
Why can't you order more?
If you get more, try to buy 6-10 of each species so they can choose their own partners.
After the male swallowed the eggs I reintroduced her, she was hiding and I noticed the male was picking on her a lot. A figured they would work it out (that's what I read would happen) so I left her in there. She had torn fins when I moved her out. I think she was just too stressed from him picking on her and I didnt move her soon en6