Betta Deformities

This is a VT that I found at Wal-Mart who two customers had put with another betta, the other one died in the fight, so apparently this is what the winner looks like :(

Awww, Avery is adorable. He looks like he is trying to wave at the camera. :) How cute.

That poor little VT, and the poor little guy who lost! geebers. o_o Thanks Sorrel! Credits to the same addy as the other images, I presume?
awww i think avery is very cute with that little ventral :D becca's right it does ook like hes' trying to wavea t the camera :wub:

good luck in making hte site becca, i hope it'll help lots of ppl :)
wuv: *giggle* Well, if you want to get technical all deformities are flaws, so therefore, all flaws are deformities ;) Deformities is just a harsher word for it ;)

(And I know of some individuals that consider "flaws" as deformities, and they tend to disgust me... no fish breeders, however.. dog and cat ones. ._.)

Alright, Sorrel! I'll make certain to mention that. :)
BeccaBlain said:
wuv: *giggle* Well, if you want to get technical all deformities are flaws, so therefore, all flaws are deformities ;)
If you want to get technical, not really. You statement is an if:then statement, and you've only stated one of the rules for it...

Ex: All Rebeccas are girls. Therefore all girls are Rebeccas.

Doesn't work like that. ;)
i have a male ct with ventrals ___ big and ones smaller then the other
hes a gimp :( but i like his colors if i get a pic it will be in a few weeks i think hes on the roll of film i need to develope
Ugh, programmers. :p I married one.

Deformed = " To spoil the natural form of; misshape: a body that had been deformed by disease. (";

normal = natural


if Betta Splendens == mouths open && close; {
then Betta Splendens == normal;

if Betta Splendens == curved ventrals {
then Betta Splendens != normal;

if Betta Splendens != normal {
then Betta Splendens == Deformed;

So therefore, flaw == deformed && deformed == flaw.

Gods, I hate programming sometimes XD
Actually, Biologist/Anthropologist, those are my degrees...but I did take a "coding in VB" class about 4 years ago....does that count? I got a 4.0.... :rofl:

Oooh, don't even get me started on "normal" vs. "natural" ....

:rofl: :rofl:
Love ya, becca, but this girl's ALWAYS gotta argue.... :rofl: :lol: :whistle:
*L* Arguing is fun :)

But, for "normal" occurances, flaws could be considered deformities, if you're a breeder trying to get the perfect fish.. you wouldn't breed those flaws just like you wouldn't breed the deformities.

Fishies are still cute anyway XD

And VB? *L* I never really considered VB an actual programming language.. ;) *rofl* I took my structure from Perl. XD And i never went to school for it. :)

Its a moot silly discussional arguement anyway.. Funny though :D
BeccaBlain said:
if you're a breeder trying to get the perfect fish.. you wouldn't breed those flaws just like you wouldn't breed the deformities.
Absolutely true. :nod:
Well, I've been consulting my IBC handbook and there are different degrees of fault when showing :)

Avery's ventral would only be seen as a minor fault,which would be a 4-6 point deduction. But if he's superb in every other way, he could easily compete (just for example).

There are 4 degrees of fault before a fish is disqualified
slight (0-3 deduction)
Minor (4-6)
Major (7-10)
Severe (11-15)

When I went to the International show,I saw bettas in all divisions with funky fins :)

So again...I wouldn't consider him deformed. Go look at the fry picture I posted,then at Avery and tell me what's deformed. :)
Hehe, I guess I view the word "deformed" differently than most people.. I just view it as a flaw.

While would classify everything as a deformity of some sort XD *L* i don't use the word deformity to make it sound mean or horrible.. I just use it because picking between flaw and deformity gets annoying, and in my mind, why beat around the bush? It isn't "normal" so it might as well get called a deformity. :)

And no, I'm just blunt and to the point. :)

So if I call Avery deformed, its not because hes a quasimodo (he is quite adorable) but its because I hate having to decide whether to call it a flaw or a deformity. :)

Oh this could be an interesting thread... XD

(Hmm... Does that mean I can have ALL of ya'lls not quite so perfect "flawed" fishies then? Come on.. cough em up, I'll take em! ;)


Deformed, Flawed WHATEVER or not, they are CUTE. x_x Cute cute cute.

Even the poor little guy with the open mouth! Hes cute too.
Look -- if you go to my site, and actually have a look at what I am talking about with "deformities" it is for use for when people are purchasing Betta.

It does NOT by any means have to be a "deformity" as in Quasimodo. Nor do they have to necessarily be "culls!"

It is a purchasing guideline for individuals uncertain of whether or not the problem they see with a fish will affect whether or not they can be a good pet. (I was kinda hoping people would look at the actual page and see that, but eh.)

The curled fins Avery has, is a GOOD example of a non-purchasing affect "issue" or whatever you want to call it. (Sorry, Sorrel. Your Avery is gorgeous, and hes the only example I have to use right now.)

Wuv, your open mouth is a good example of a purchasing affecting deformity. It is a deformity, and people who see this type of betta, unless experienced, shouldn't try to tackle helping it.

Now, you two play nice and apologize to each other. Sorrel wasn't calling Avery deformed of even really defective. He has a curly fin. It happens, and it shows nothing bad on the fish -or- the breeder.

Mommy Becca says so! :p (And so does Mason and Napoleon, and they are ready to spank some fishy loving bottoms ;)

I'm too young to be using the term Mommy. :crazy:

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