Betta Compatibility

Well one main reason for the thirty gallon is to include my male, but if it wasn't for him, female bettas would probably be the first thing I would get!
like i said males can work if theres plenty of plants, especially high plants for them to rest on and the flow isn't overly strong.

You have more choice of other fish with females though, there generally *theres still some that will be though!* less aggressive than males
Thank you for all the help yall! But, today I actually purchased a fifty five gallon and have decided to keep my betta in his own tank, and take the new tank in a whole new direction! I appreciate all the responses I got though!
Is his current tank only 1 gallon, then? IMHO, I would invest in something a little bigger, 5 gallons might be nicer for him. Then you could get some shrimp to go with him which might be nice :good:
Oh my god. Angel will eat the betta before you know it. Angels prey on neon tetras and neons are way faster than bettas. Yeah, baby angels are fine, but they grow fast (and they're pretty when they're big).
Is his current tank only 1 gallon, then? IMHO, I would invest in something a little bigger, 5 gallons might be nicer for him. Then you could get some shrimp to go with him which might be nice :good:

Old thread, but just wanted to say that he now is the king of his own Fluval chi! :D Planning on getting some shrimp a bit later, but for now he is enjoying his space! :)
Good luck with your new tank! I second what lilfishie said. Female bettas are actually awesome :lol: I keep 5 girls in a 26g with danios and cories. I've had poor luck with male bettas in larger tanks. I moved my HM into a 10g, and it turned him into a neurotic mess. He hid 95% of the time. I took pity on him recently and moved him into a smaller tank. He is MUCH happier. Still a little crazy, though :rolleyes: I thought this might be a thing unique to that particular fish, but I moved my CT into that tank over the weekend, and he's taken to hiding as well. He was never terribly bold, but I'm a little disappointed.
Bettas are definitely unique! :D I ended up turning the 55 into a puffer tank instead! My betta seems overwhelmed enough with an extra four gallons, no telling how shocked he would have been in a fifty five :)

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