Not wanting to start massive problems here... but I was googling pics of cambodian bettas and snailguy's betta pic came up on as their ad for bettas for sale...
Snailguy - you took the pic yourself then with your Digicam - or does that website belong to you ? Shame on you - that's just disgusting. Why do you feel the need to resort to something so low ?
Pleople should outright be banned for stuff like this.
Snailguy101 said:
Ok got the digi cam charged and got a pic of my best betta fish
Oh, I thought it was the 8th of august, not os september, that is way to far away, I think that maybe this should be closed up and have a september one next month instead of waiting till september 8th, as you have have tons of pictures
9 out of 10 people will assume if you type 09/08/05 that it means September 8, 2005.
The person running this may not be doing a monthly is just a "for fun" people can show off their bettas. Or that is my take of this whole thing.
No need to push them into closing it early or doing anything they don't want to do.