Betta Chase


Fish Crazy
Apr 3, 2004
Reaction score
Herefordshire, UK

I would like to know what experience others have with bettas and cories, i bought 3 cories 2 weeks ago and my betta seemed fine with them but the last couple of days he just keeps on chasing them and biting them :S I have put one of them in my other betta tank to see how he takes to it.... anyway dunno what i should do, this is a piccy of his tank
a n y o n e ???

Can peppered cories be in coldwater, cause maybe i can move them to my coldwater tank???

a n y o n e ???
I've kept bettas with cories, and they have been fine. :) The betta chased the cories the first day, but now they are great friends.
Sorry, I don't know if peppered cories can be kept in coldwater.
I wouldn't worry about the cories unless he's going for the eyes or it continues so long that they are getting overstressed. Cories are somewhat armored, it would be tough for him to do much damage. Maybe you should provide some more hiding places so the cories can get out of his way when he's feeling feisty.
cories get depressed if they arent in groups. i suggest you always have 2 or more together. preferably 4+ (although i dont think your tank is big enough for that)
I have 3 together in my tank with joey, but i just moved one out temporarily i suppose i got sick of seeing them being chased by joey today, today was even worse cause i put an algae wafer in the tank and well joey decided that he was going to have domain, he wouldent let any of the cories eat it. My concern is that they will get harassed by him or that he will not relax, i will keep an eye out on things for a couple of days more and then decide what to do with them, if i moved them to my coldwater tank (cause i heard they can go inlower temps)m at least he wont be intimidated by anyone.
I'm going ot put the one cory that i took out of the tank back in with the rest of his mates.
You could also try top dressing your gravel with some natural colored gravel or dark sand if it isn't UGF, so they wouldn't contrast with it so much. It would make it more difficult for the betta to find them if they were more camoflaged.
Good idea,luxum.

I'm no help because I always preach that bettas should be kept alone for reasons like this. But the pic is hilarious! It looks like he was picking on one as you snapped the shot :lol:

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