Betta caught in gravel syphon


New Member
Dec 21, 2017
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I was finishing up a partial water change when I accidentally sucked my betta up in the syphon. He was tucked in a back corner and blended in with the background, so I didn’t realize I had sucked him up for a second, but as soon as I did I stopped the syphon and he fell back into the water. He isn’t moving much at all, and can’t swim right. I’m scared I broke his back. What should I do? I’m so worried right now and have no idea if he is seriously injured or just in shock. Please help!

Update: he has moved a little bit his breathing has been getting slower and slower.. I’m super worried about him. Should I leave him in his tank or move him into a shallower container?
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I know this is late, but I just joined. I don't know much, but I'd say go to Walmart and buy one of the portable aerators for live bait (like $7) and put the better with the aerator in a 5 gallon bucket with some dechlorinated water. Feed him like normal and watch him carefully. I hope he's ok!
I know this is late, but I just joined. I don't know much, but I'd say go to Walmart and buy one of the portable aerators for live bait (like $7) and put the better with the aerator in a 5 gallon bucket with some dechlorinated water. Feed him like normal and watch him carefully. I hope he's ok!
I know this is late, but I just joined. I don't know much, but I'd say go to Walmart and buy one of the portable aerators for live bait (like $7) and put the better with the aerator in a 5 gallon bucket with some dechlorinated water. Feed him like normal and watch him carefully. I hope he's ok!
Thanks for the advice! Unfortunately he passed away later that day.
I did this accidentally to one of my beloved GBR's.. He also died a few hours later. Hit the sand substrate like a ton of bricks when I panicked and pulled the siphon out of the water.

We do the best we can for our aquatic friends under our care. Sometimes we make mistakes.
Been there done that, don't blame yourself.

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