I've been reading all kinds of posts about heating, filtration, cycling, using cycled water, using cycled gravel etc etc etc for beta bowls and/or tanks.
I've had a devilish looking red and green male betta for nearly 3 years now and was wondering how others have their's set up.
heres my modest set up:
1Gallon bowl.
A beautiful, bright green peace lily suspended in the bowl, roots in the water.
Fluorescent lighting provided from an end table lamp.
Located away from a window, but lotsa indirect light is still provided.
Regular small sized green rock.
Two 100% water changes per week are done, aqua plus and a drip of "Plant gro" is added with each change.
Temp ranges between 72-76 in the winter and 76-80 in the summer.
I've never had fin rot, parasites, fungal infections....hrmmm......
I've never had anything go wrong with this brute.
He hates our cat and wants to kill it I'm sure, sometimes I think he wants to get at me too!!
I've been wanting to relocate him to a 3 gallon "filtered" tank more for an "esthetics" reason, but I'm worried that it'll kill him.
I know many keep them in filtered tanks with or without other fish, and that there are quite a few methods of housing them, but when I got mine this is the way I was told to keep him.
the LPS said its a simple and effective way to keep them as pets.
And to their defence it has worked for nearly 3 years now.
Anyone have any input on this?
I've had a devilish looking red and green male betta for nearly 3 years now and was wondering how others have their's set up.
heres my modest set up:
1Gallon bowl.
A beautiful, bright green peace lily suspended in the bowl, roots in the water.
Fluorescent lighting provided from an end table lamp.
Located away from a window, but lotsa indirect light is still provided.
Regular small sized green rock.
Two 100% water changes per week are done, aqua plus and a drip of "Plant gro" is added with each change.
Temp ranges between 72-76 in the winter and 76-80 in the summer.
I've never had fin rot, parasites, fungal infections....hrmmm......
I've never had anything go wrong with this brute.
He hates our cat and wants to kill it I'm sure, sometimes I think he wants to get at me too!!
I've been wanting to relocate him to a 3 gallon "filtered" tank more for an "esthetics" reason, but I'm worried that it'll kill him.
I know many keep them in filtered tanks with or without other fish, and that there are quite a few methods of housing them, but when I got mine this is the way I was told to keep him.
the LPS said its a simple and effective way to keep them as pets.
And to their defence it has worked for nearly 3 years now.
Anyone have any input on this?