Betta breeding


New Member
Jun 26, 2004
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My male betta is not making a nest, well barely and he hasn't added on to it for a long time now. He just sits in the tank like nothing is in there except for him. BUT the female is in there too but she barely moves. I think she might have swim bladder disease because she sits a the top and slighly goes to her sideand if the male comes(barely) she sits there like he is a ghost! And then the male opens his mouth as big as he can, aimsperfectly and bites her in the face and she barely doe a thing except move a bit, sometimes she swims into this styro foam cup I made for her to hide in but other times she tries to get stuck in something at the bottom.When I first put her in she got stuck in the plant and I had to save her or the male would have killed her there.The male now does nothing in the tank. He doesn't make a buble nest or fix his old one. Are they not ready or do I have to codition them some more?

Also my female is two times smaller than my male but she shows the stripes on her belly. help me
have you done lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of reasearch on breeding? if not, i suggest you take them out and research some more before trying to breed them. sometimes they just dont like each other though.
What is petco? If it is wat I think it is then you can also say wal-mart is a place where fish die. Every day when I go there I try to not cry because in every aquarium there is atleast 10 dead fish. DIE WALMART!!!!!!

Hi Roryn, in your post in newbies I said get her out of there and you asked why...well it sounds like he's going to kill her and especially if she's laying on the top, he bites her and she doesn't really even move. If she's too weak to avert attacks, she's not in good condition to be breeding and you need to remove her before she dies.

Can you give some more info on what you've done so did you condition, how were they introduced, what does your spawning tank look like...the more information we have the better we can help.

You also might want to read the pinned article in this section by Kelly. :nod:
I guess she is just too young. I bought her from a petstore not long ago and started to condition her imediatly but I guess not long enough. :(

Could you tell me how to condition your fish and how old do they have to be to breed?
If you got her at a pet store, it's very unlikely that she's too young, they're technically ready at three months, but a lot of breeders hold off a little longer.

To condition you'll want to feed frozen and live foods for two weeks while keeping their water extra clean. Can you answer the rest of my questions... :thumbs:
My female barely eats. She won't eat the live food I have ( which Is brine shrimp)and she barely eats my frozen foods. My male was conditioned with brine shrimp and In my info that I was following then didnt say much about water changing so I changed water once when they were conditioning.

My tank is a 10 gal. and I have an Aqu clear MINI filter in it for when the babies come in (If they come)I also have a sort of sponge filter in my tankbut it blows one huge bubble at a time. :( (How does the NORMAL sponge filter work!)
I have a lot of plants in every corner of the tank and I have a heater in it.
I have a plastic tube with no bottom (or top) where the female goes.

My female was in the plastic tube for two days and she wasn't even looking at the male any more but she had stripes on her so I thought she was ready. SHE SAT AT THE TOP LIKE SHE WAS DEAD OR SHE HAD SWIM BLADDER DISEASE. Is this normal!!!!!?????
The Male was put in the 10 gal. elier thatr day.

could you please tell me how a sponge filter works?

first of all, if you have a fliter such as an aquaclear, thats no good! it will suck up the bubblenest and/or the eggs. bettas do not appreciate turbulence anyways. as for your sponge filter-that is the right kind to have but you have to put a valve on thei ariline to reduce the amount of bubbles.

brine shrimp is not an appropriate conditioning food. they have very little nutritional value.
from what i can tell, you dont know very much about breeding bettas and should take your fish out immediately and do some more research. breeding bettas is hard work, not something where you can just throw them in and expect little fish to be swimming around in a few days. if you dont have 100 or more 40 ounce+ containers ready for the male fry, you should also not even begin. also-do you know what you are going to do with hundreds of fry when they are grown? im not trying to be mean-i just care about your fish.
anyways-if the female wont eat and just lays/floats there-she is probably sick! never ever breed a sick fish! if you released her, the male would most likely kill her.
I have a control valve but it just waits to fill with air and pop. It lets out a huge bubble!!!!!
ALSO I said the aqua clear is for the baby fish(WHen they are older.(3 weeks)

and what kind of sickness do you think she has?
Also There is a betta breeder where I live so I can either sell it to him,my pet-stor(noahs-ark, The best petstore ever),or I can sell them to petcetera a place where they have millions of aquariums.


Also,I can put the bettas in cups that are big enough for them to swim around(no walmart types).
please dont get mad when i try to help. you asked for help and i am helping you to the best of my ability.
in the first reply to the post, i suggested you take them out.
i dont htink you are dumb. dumb implies low intelligence. you are obviously smart enough to get help from somewhere like here. i just dont htink you have researched this enough and thought about it well.
your female is obviously sick-please take her out if you care about her. she could have swim bladder but then again-floating can mean different things. whatever it is, she IS NOT READY TO BREED. stress from the male attacking her is only going to make it worse!
most pet stores wont take bettas from you unless you have a hatchery license and i doubt a breeder would take them unless they are of astounding quality. if you are looking to make money, breeding bettas is definatley not the road to take. most of the time you lose money. you are lucky if you break even.
3 weeks is way too young to put an aquaclear in. (you said it was in the tank, so i thought you meant the breeding tank) they will get sucked into the intake. just keep the sponge filter in there as by this time, surely it will have enough beneficial bacteria to keep the water clean. you will still hvae to do water chages though.
Roryn1 said:
I have a control valve but it just waits to fill with air and pop. It lets out a huge bubble!!!!!
ALSO I said the aqua clear is for the baby fish(WHen they are older.(3 weeks)

and what kind of sickness do you think she has?
Also There is a betta breeder where I live so I can either sell it to him,my pet-stor(noahs-ark, The best petstore ever),or I can sell them to petcetera a place where they have millions of aquariums.


Also,I can put the bettas in cups that are big enough for them to swim around(no walmart types).
you may find "selling your bettas" to LFS, petcetera even your local breeder etc. harder than you think, especially if they are veil tail. just so you know what you are getting into, if you end up with 100 fry are you really going to do the water changes necessary to keep the little ones alive? it's a lot of work, kind of like a full time job, they will need live food as well, hope you are prepared for it....
The male and female should be around the same size (body wise). If not, one will be severly bullied..
My female,is getting sicker I think and her wounds are getting bigger.
also, she is flickering her fins realy fast.
What should I do!
Also my petstore buys my guppies that I sell to her and I asked her if she would take bettas and she said yes so I don't think I need a liscence for selling fish.
I am also not doing this for money because If I was then I would have made about
minus 350 dollars. So I know that it is not making me money.
I thought I would just try something new but I guess I won't because they say I am a :unsure: not so good fishkeeper or whatever. I guess I will have to stay with dumb old guppies.

1 20 gallon
1 5 gallon
1 1 gallon
1 2 gallon
2 fishbowls(betta bowls)
2 male bettas(Mr. Feathers and Mr. valentine)
1 female betta(Mrs gonna be dead soon because of dumb ol roryn1)
127 guppies
4 dogs
4 cats
2 horses
1000 sheep

:no: :unsure: :( :angry: :sad: :byebye: :dunno:
take her out and put her in some bettaMAX (not to be confused with the bottle of poo known as bettafix)
guppies arent dumb :sad: my favorite tank is my brackish female guppy/flounder tank. (they are actually colorless feeder guppies that i got for 10 cents each). i dont see why people always put down guppies-they are great!

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