betta breeding problems


Fish Crazy
Mar 5, 2003
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I have two white bettas. This is my second attempt at breedingthem. Both times the female is refusing to breed. The male on the other hand has made his bubble nest and picks on the female untill she can't almost swim straight and then I take her out. I was told to feed them alot of their food untill they won't eat anymore for two weeks. I do this for a month and it hasn't helped.
Can you give some more detail as to your process? Describe your breeding tank, how are you conditioning them and with what kind of food, how are you introducing them, and does she have eggs when you release her? Some betta pairs just aren't meant to be, but the more info you can give us the better. :thumbs:
How is he picking on her? Ruthlessly or in a "come on already" fashion? Try removing her for a day or two, feeding her well and the putting her back in the vase about 45 minutes after feeding her. If she acts excited right away,release her right away. They should begin spawning almost immediately.
If he chases her and she hides but ATTEMPTS to come back out only to be chased back into the plants while he pretties up his nest, that's ok, at least she's willing. Just cover the tank and leave them alone (don't forget to peek though!)
But if he just beats her for the fun of it without giving her a chance, just remove her again and find a new male.
Oh no!!!, I just checked on the female and she is almost dead. She was just siting there by the surface of the water. I tapped her twice with my finger and nothing. I was getting her into the net to dispose of when she started wiggling and I put her back in. I'm going to put some aquarium salt and stress coat in with her over night. If she makes it in acople days I'll put her in another spare 2.5 gal with the tempature on 83f to regrow her ripped fins. The first attempt at breeding her she looked worse but she didn't act like this. Her fins are not as bad as the first time and she was in the tank with him longer before.

The breeding tank is a 2.5gal. At the moment all my 10gals are fulled. The tempature is about in the low 80's f. The airstone and filter are turned off. I've been feeding both the male and female 10 pellets of aqua-culture color enhancing pellets. That's usually when they stop eating. Keep in mind they are small pellets.
I would recommend that you read the pinned topic in "Bettas and Gouramis" on betta breeding. A 2.5 gallon is really too small.
Yeah, I'll have to ditto that. They need lots of frozen nutrient rich foods two weeks before spawning. She's not ready nor fit enough to handle him right now.

She could be in shock. Feed her asap, if she eats it's a good sign.
She's acting normal now. She's swimimg around like nothing happened. I can't find my frozen blood worms but I think I now where the frozen brine shrimp is so I'll give her that and some of her regular food. Sound good? Maybe in two or three weeks I'll try to breed her again and by that time I'll have another spare 10gal. Sound like a plan?
There are times when one of the two just isnt interested in the other. This may be one of those times. Try it again and if it still doesnt happen you may just have to get another female.
This is the same question i asked repeatedly
mine were the same they just played cat and mouse all the time.
i had bred betta's a few times before without conditioning them in seperate tanks but i think i was lucky.
With the last pair i bred about a month ago it took 6 days before the female was ready.
as for the feeding of the pair i must admit i only used blood worm and never varied the diet.
however , this may not be good advice but it worked for me.

Also i think my female was a little immature the first few times i tried but after i left it a couple of months she was good to go.
I had my female in a large jam jar with about 4" free space at the top and she jumped it a few times so be careful of that!

Good luck

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