Betta Bowls


Jul 3, 2004
Reaction score
North Yorkshire, UK
Ok so I was thinking of getting a 1or so gal little plastic container for a betta and I was wondering seen as I will Have no gravel or filter will I need to de-chlorine my water when I do wekkly 100% water changes, seen as you only de-chlorine the water because chlorine kills bacteria.
Is this going to be a long term home?
If so, remeber that even one fish will still make waste. A filter would be kind.

Ask the question in the Betta forum for better advice.
Yes you still have to dechlorinate the water. The chlorine can burn the fishes gills and skin. Also if you want to filter the tank there are sponge filters that will work in a 1 gal set up. HTH :)
Bettas like warm water upper 70's to low 80's, so unless you have a room that's constantly in those temps I'd suggest getting a tank big enough that you could put a heater in.

A filter isn't really necessary with a betta, but it is better with a filter. I'd highly suggest Azoo Palm filters. They're great for tanks 5 gallons and under.

And the water should be de-chlorinated at every water change.
betta_lova said:
An airstone would be ok and you could buy some de-chlorinator
I have an airstone so would I just leave it in the container. Also my bedroom is quite warm so I dont think I need a heater.
My betta tank dosen't have a heater and it does fine :) so you'll be ok without one.
When you said 100% water changes dosen't that mean taking all the water out? I'm pretty sure a weekly 25% water change will be enough.

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