Betta bowls.

I don't know As I've said the tiny Betta cups are deffinetly unfair and cruel and unfiltered/ unheated bowls do not let Bettas live to their potential. I was also skeptical about keeping a betta untill I got one, Ironically I intended on getting one as they are very pretty and fairly cheap but his Hex and heater, plants cost over £60. Here is an exerpt I found on the net about someone elses information on keeping Bettas

"Any betta I have ever kept has much rather resided in a small bowl without a filter or air pump than a larger tank. If placed in a large community tank with moving water due to a filter, my bettas seem very lethargic and will not eat. Even in a small 2 gallon tank, they always manage to squeeze themselves into a pile of large rocks on the bottom. The natural habitat of bettas is weed-choked and shallow, so by nature they prefer small, enclosed spaces. "

No matter what people say, Bettas are extremely clever and if a fish can be loving/ rewarding they are, mine comes to greet me in the morning and ikes to squeeze into the tiniest nooks and crannies possible. Within a day of saving him from a bowl he had created himself a Bubble nest and had settled into his new home very quickly. A 4 Gallon tank for 1 fish is quite adequate I feel and judging by the state of his fins and his general activity in the water I qould say that mine is pretty happy. It qould be interesting for many people to look into the Betta forum and listen to what people have to say about them as I feel that the Betta is a very opressed fish, I.e people fight them and keep them in cups. Bettas are deffinetley an interesting addition to anyones fish collection and I Think many peope on the forums would be pleasantly suprised by Bettas. Overall I feel its a bit to hasty to say keeping Bettas Is sick :unsure: But thats just my opinion :D
I disagree....the amount of water does not stress the betta, it's the other fish that ALSO live in the bigger tank that do, along with the stronger current from the filter....maybe I am completely wrong, but I have kept a betta in a 33 gallon before and he showed absolutely no signs of stress due to the size of the tank...
Just ask him....he is still with me, although in a 2.5 gallon....his papa stole his tank for a cichlid grow out :(

Chris :p
I agree FM, I had a betta in a 18Gallon and he was quite content, there is much more than one factor to consider, if the Betta has been kept solitary, then it is bound to be un-nerved when placed with other fish, the water differences and the availability of cover are also factors. If I put a Discus in with Angels, the Discus will almost certainly be stressed by the more assertive Angels, if I then put him in a 10G on his own, does his relief mean he likes his 10G? I dont think its very scientific to come to this conclusion. From what I've heard from a LFS who has been in business with his father for over 60 years, it was at first a line LFS employees used to explain why they kept the bettas in mini cups, the real reaon being that if you can only keep one in each tank, and you've only got 20 tanks, then you can only keep that number of a very, very popular fish. Mini cups allowed them to stock more with no space issues. "Of course, they prefer to live in that mouthful of water" sounds fishy to me.

I have a male fighter in a 5 gal set up and i have had no problems what so ever it has a ug filter running at a slow rate.

I'm not going to go on about this subject as i read the 100 + topic on the same kind of thing 3 or 4 weeks back.
ok I accept they can live happily in larger tanks it was just something I heard though on the forums though ;) what I know is that my Betta is very happy in his 4 gal and likes to display alot, I take that as though he's happy :D
The natural habitat of bettas is weed-choked and shallow, so by nature they prefer small, enclosed spaces.

enclosed spaces due to decorations like plants is different then enclosed spaces because they are in a tiny bowl, IMO.

This is what I had learnt, about their habitat and I tried to duplicate that type of environment. About two thrids of the 15 gallon long that my Betta is in is heavily planted with weed like plants , so he has lots of space overall, but the comfort of close quarters wherever he goes. l I've only had him for a short time so far and he seems quite active, and uses a lot of the tank.
thecichlidaddict said:
The natural habitat of bettas is weed-choked and shallow, so by nature they prefer small, enclosed spaces.

enclosed spaces due to decorations like plants is different then enclosed spaces because they are in a tiny bowl, IMO.

This is what I had learnt, about their habitat and I tried to duplicate that type of environment. About two thrids of the 15 gallon long that my Betta is in is heavily planted with weed like plants , so he has lots of space overall, but the comfort of close quarters wherever he goes. l I've only had him for a short time so far and he seems quite active, and uses a lot of the tank.
so for the most part, do most of your (asking everyone who has responded to this forum) bettas swim around a lot or do they sit around on the bottom or in the plants more??? :blink:
They swim around alot. If my bettas are just sitting there, it causes concern.

Chris :hey:
Same here, my last and third last Betta would lie on the plants at the surface for a while, but enjoyed patrolling their territories pretty frequently. The Betta in the middle never lay on the plants but curled up under a bubble nest in the very corner of the tank.
anything less than two gallons is not acceptable but most (if not all) big betta breaders raise there bettas in small plastic containers for the fin grow out period.

well i have my betta in a 3.3 litter how many gallons i dont know but my betta lives happy ive got a small cup he hides in there sometimes i put a mirror and he flares hes beautiful his name is christmas since hes green and red ill post a pic well my betta live happy in his 3.3 litters all by himself with a few plants but lives hapily ive got some females in the community tank with my angels and guramis does anyone know a good site on how to breed bettas with pictures thanks

P.S Im planning on buying a 10 gallon tank for spawning but its mostly going to be only for the male but breeding also any answers feel free to write :nod:

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