Betta Bow-Front Double Tank Kit

cutecotton I know how you feel. :/

I live about 100 yards from the beach and it gets chilly here at night. I would love to have dozens of bettas but wouldn't be able to heat them all.

Maybe one day . . .
Have you looked into the eclipse tanks and their knockoffs? The 3 gallon size has filtration, plenty of surface area and reasonable swimming space, and enough light for easy low light plants. Perfect for a betta.

Edit: oh and you can use a heater in them, Walmart sells a mini heater designed for tiny tanks.
rykitten said:
cutecotton I know how you feel. :/

I live about 100 yards from the beach and it gets chilly here at night. I would love to have dozens of bettas but wouldn't be able to heat them all.

Maybe one day . . .
*sigh* yes it's very depressing :( i wish i lived somewhere warm, or i can miraclously heat all the little conatiners some how :/ then i can have all the bettas i want in the world :D if i was rich i'd just buy every betta from walmart and nurse htem back to health :D
asmack said:
I'm planning on only keeping one.
I know I've said this before and then 50000000000... fish later... Awww... one more won't hurt. :hey: We have more fish than we have anything else in our house!

Oh, and the fishease hex tank is 2.7 gallons. I think it's sufficient for a betta :)
Sorrell said:
I am a huge fan of the Aquaview plus tanks. They are 1 gal with a light and UGF and they are only 10 dollars. I buy my Wal-Mart out every week and my bettas are very happy. :nod: I would definately reccomend these to anyone who wants a nice set-up that doesn't take up a lot of space. :)
I'll second that. Its a good way to have a filtered betta tank, with little to no current, and the price is right. You can't beat them overall. I really like my 2.5 Mini-bow but it was more expensive and the filter its 1) large and takes up space and 2) either creates a big current or when turned down the water is almost stagnate. So I would really recommend the aqua view 1 gallon tanks.
I would suggest not buying the bow front dual tank, it is to small, I have one I had to buy in an emergency I use it for salt baths. At walmart the have 1 gallon hex tanks for $10, they also have critters keepers that are 1 gallon for like $5 I have both, I like the $10 best because they have a light undergravel filteration and a air pump, the critter keeper is just the bottom and a lid, but both are well worth the money. And my bettas are happy.
oh those,i saw them at a petshop but wasn't sure how many gallons they were :p they were on sale for 12.99 or something like that, probably should have gotten it..though the heater probelm will eveutally screw me over :)
Don't they make heaters for 1-5 gallon tanks? I have one in mine that I use (it originally came with our 5gal). During the day it's too hot, but I only plug it in during the night when the weather cools off, but normally the tank stays around 76-79F.
i'm not sure it'll be worth it to get a heater for a 5G tank :/ there really isnt' a point lol.
Actually there is a point. The smaller the volume of water the more rapidly the temperature can shift, and bettas like the water warm. I hear so many people complaining about how their bettas are lethargic and uninteresting, and it's almost always because they aren't being kept warm enough.
The heater works for me because we only use it at night. I plug it in when I get home from work and then unplug before I go to work. The betta babies seem to enjoy it better and seem a little more active. It may not work for everyone, but the heater I have says it's for 1-5 gallons. Works great for me and my bettas. :dunno:
I've owned a few of these, and had really good luck with them, but the trick is not to use the divider. Just one betta per tank. The valve on the bottom is extra convienent. Maybe I'm the only one that likes em, but Mr. Fishypants (the betta watching me type right now) doesn't seem to mind.

As for heating, I've got a desklamp above it which keeps him at a fairly constant temprature.

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