Betta Babiess!


Fish Fanatic
Mar 1, 2010
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please help,
i have some five day old Betta fry and am feeding them on liquifry no.1 at the moment. the problem i have is that someone told me that i shouldn't feed this for too long? is there an alternative-i don't have any micro worms or anything. i was also wondering if there is anything in particular that would make them grow a bit better? any advice on Betta fry would be nice please.
this is my first fry so i am not very experienced.

english bettas
(i would like as many to survive as possible from about 30-35)
Hmmmm, i think researching is suppose to be done BEFORE you actually do the thing!

You 'will' need a culture going, or Bbs atleast.
Hmmmm, i think researching is suppose to be done BEFORE you actually do the thing!

You 'will' need a culture going, or Bbs atleast.
i did research like loads and all the fry are fine and healthy, i was just wondering if there were any other foods i could feed them but i may also start a culture aswell. thanks for the advice anyway though.
Best bet is to get a worm culture ASAP, I got a starter culture from e-bay for £2 delivered and if in a fairly warm enviroment can start producing after a few hours.

I have been inform, but never used them, that vinegar eels are better as they float (or swim) and live alot longer in water. A mod on here sells them "BigC".
You have not actually told us much about the tank you are keeping the fry in, whilst we can help with regards to feeding them like providing them with live food (microworm, vinegar eels etc) you want them to grow bigger and healthier.. but food is only one aspect a good water change regime is essential once they get a bit bigger.

When I was breeding betta's I kept the fry in a bare bottom tank, I did small daily water changes with the help of the invaluable turkey baster. This kept the water quality reasonable as I was feeding the fry 3 times a day.

Do you have filtration, are they kept in a bare bottom tank. ?

We can help you better if you give us some info on their tank.
i hate to say it but they dont have filtration as i dont have a suitable filter and no the tank has some gravel in. it has live floating plants and a heater. it is kept at about 80 degrees f and i am feeding them liquifry no.1. they are only about half a cm in size so too small i think for a water change. i feed them 3-4 times a day. i was also wondering if it would be worthwhile moveing them to a bare tank but ia am not sure how? they are only five days old.
hope this is more help,
thanks for advice so far
Buy a sponge filter, or make one. They are the most common filter used in fry tanks for most species of fish, as the sponge has no plastic casing or whirring impellar, and cannot suck fry into anywhere or damage them. You'll also need an air pump to run the filter.

They are cheap to buy and cheap to make, and airpumps are also pretty cheap. :good:
You do know that with Liquifry, your are not feeding the fish.
You are actually feeding the Infusoria around, which will make it flourish more.

As i said before buy a culture. As fry will not survive on Infusoria alone.
I have used that Liquifry with gourami fry, and aly_starh is right. Without a filter and no water changes or cleaning up uneaten food, the water will foul very quickly
I got a bag of brine shrimps eggs i can send u free of charge 1st class cos it sounds like u need em...

As above says, get a culture, microworms are ridiculously cheap and easy to keep. if u do decide to get some..

Here is a little video i amde that might be some help to you.

I got a bag of brine shrimps eggs i can send u free of charge 1st class cos it sounds like u need em...

As above says, get a culture, microworms are ridiculously cheap and easy to keep. if u do decide to get some..

Here is a little video i amde that might be some help to you.

it wont let me view the video and would you really send me the shrimp egg?
the fry are now about a week old and just over 5 mm in size. what would i be able to do with the eggs?
I raise my babies on a mixture of foods, I found the liquifry to be really messy. They should be big enough to take the First Bites food now, which is handy to have as its a dry food. Microworms are my food of choice for the babies, it is so easy, if you order a culture today, you could have it tomorrow & be able to harvest by Wednesday if you add a little yeast to the culture.

I also keep a pot of GP Reef & Larvel Fish Diet, this mimics BBS, but without all the hatching & is a great early fry food.

You really need to be doing water changes, my young fry dont have filters either, but they do have daily water changes, with water at the same temp or a little warmer.

Just use a piece of hose to suck the water out, into a bucket or bowl so that you can see any fry which get sucked up & then replace water very gently.

Good luck with the babies, raising Betta from tiny fry to big healthy fish is so rewarding.
please help,
i have some five day old Betta fry and am feeding them on liquifry no.1 at the moment. the problem i have is that someone told me that i shouldn't feed this for too long? is there an alternative-i don't have any micro worms or anything. i was also wondering if there is anything in particular that would make them grow a bit better? any advice on Betta fry would be nice please.
this is my first fry so i am not very experienced.

english bettas
(i would like as many to survive as possible from about 30-35)
I keep 2 quart jars of water on my kitchen counter for infusoria year round. I feed it a couple small pieces of lettuce when ever it need it. When I have fry it's always available. You can feed the fry with the water directly with a turkey baster or strain the water through a tightly woven cloth like a handkerchief and swish it in their tank. Lots of parmecia and rotifers etc. for the tiniest of mouths. I start feeding that as soon as I remove the male at their free swimming stage. After a day or two I start feeding baby brine shrimp alternated with Hikari first bites. I have a one gallon pickle jar with an air stone in saltwater to hatch the brine shrimp in. I don't know how much they cost where you are but a 6 gram here is less than $5. One bottle lasts me for months.

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