Betta Avatar Graphics Anyone?

sadly thats the only picture i have of him because he died recently at the age of 5 1/2 so im sry but thaTS THE ONLY PICTURE. IF I WOULD HAVE ONLY HAD A BETTER CAMERA When i had him. when we moved i lost all his old pis sry.
i was one of the first on the list but never got done :( could you possibly do mine please.


  • doubletail.jpg
    2.1 KB · Views: 85
Naw, I think you're thinking of Larry? Ares is my oldold OLD one, probably had him 8 months plus another 8 before that, in the LFS.... but somehow he's got a growth of cauliflower disease not pictured that he's had for 4 - 5 months. Tried treatment, didn't work, but he eats a okay and everything. Larry, on the other hand, is just sort of being slow, I can tell he's getting better but no bubblenests.

Okay then, I was thinking of a different fish. Which would account for the fact that he looked SO different. :lol: I'm sorry to hear about the cauliflower disease. :(
I'm glad to hear that about Larry though. Darby has slowed down with his bubble nest building too. Ever since I changed his water after that first huge bubble nest, he's sort of building half-heartedly.

If you possibly could....


If you could say Darts on the bottom...


Awww awww awwww! Thankies so much! I love him :) :) Thanks :) I've got on my list to do you a better pixel betta as I've gotten better at them (lmao) so will do some touch ups :D

Thankies :D

Your welcome! :wub: I'm so glad you like him! I love that you've put him in your sig too. And aww! You added a link to my thread, that's so sweet of you!
And I love my little pixel Darby that you made me! Of course, I understand wanting to tweak your creation, I do that all the time lol!

sadly thats the only picture i have of him because he died recently at the age of 5 1/2 so im sry but thaTS THE ONLY PICTURE. IF I WOULD HAVE ONLY HAD A BETTER CAMERA When i had him. when we moved i lost all his old pis sry.

I'm so sorry to hear that! :rip: Five and a half years of life is great though! I think that's the longest I've heard of someone keeping a betta for.
I'll do the best I can when I get to him. :good:

i was one of the first on the list but never got done :( could you possibly do mine please.

Were you? I only just got down to the middle of the list last time, and now you're second. :p I haven't done any more in a few days since I'm back at work after a little break.
That's a gorgeous betta BTW!
Your welcome! :wub: I'm so glad you like him! I love that you've put him in your sig too. And aww! You added a link to my thread, that's so sweet of you!
And I love my little pixel Darby that you made me! Of course, I understand wanting to tweak your creation, I do that all the time lol!

hehe well when I get the time to di it I will let you know :p then you can pick whichever you want to use lol. I love my little Erick and want everyone to know who made him :p Lucky this Erick isn't a fin nipper like the real Erick has turned out to be!!! lol!!
Is it too late to post in this topic....? :|

Well, if it's not too late....may I have a pixel betta fish? Two actually.

1st one: A plain red Betta fish with the name 'Toby' underneath in red letters. He's a VT.
2nd one: A whitish pinkish body, with purple fins and the name 'Sushi' underneath in pink letters. He's also a VT.

Thanks! :wub:

**Oh, no more requests? So sorry! Didn't realise. Alrighty, just ignore my request then.
How nice of you!
That's awful sweet. :)
Would it be too much trouble to get one of my baby done..?
(my betta pride..) Hades:


Thank you in advance.. If you don't have enough time, that's fine.. :)
I fixed it... Just Hades, please. :)
How nice of you!
That's awful sweet. :)
Would it be too much trouble to get one of my baby done..? Appel:



And my other beauty (my betta pride..) Hades:


Thank you in advance.. If you don't have enough time, that's fine.. :)

Edit: Oh my, whoops. I see you've asked for no more requests. So sorry, hon, ignore mine. :)

Wow Dibari...such beautiful Betta's! :hyper:
How nice of you!
That's awful sweet. :)
Would it be too much trouble to get one of my baby done..? Appel:



And my other beauty (my betta pride..) Hades:


Thank you in advance.. If you don't have enough time, that's fine.. :)

Edit: Oh my, whoops. I see you've asked for no more requests. So sorry, hon, ignore mine. :)

Wow Dibari...such beautiful Betta's! :hyper:

Thank you very much :blush:
Now these are pixel bettas of your Darby that I can be proud of lol:


With dark tail outline


with lighter tail outline :)

I think I am happy with it anyway LMAO tried making his tail clear where it was clear, but it made him look like a CT lol
Now these are pixel bettas of your Darby that I can be proud of lol:


With dark tail outline


with lighter tail outline :)

I think I am happy with it anyway LMAO tried making his tail clear where it was clear, but it made him look like a CT lol

OMG Saphphx! That is the CUTEST pixel Darby! :wub: :wub: :wub: You got the colors so spot on, I can't believe it. (I can't even get them to look right myself!)
Thank you so much! I love him! :wub:

Have tried my luck at Darby - the most famous betta ever!


Awww! Omg, that's so cute!! I wasn't even expecting you to do one! I love him! *hugs* Thanks sooooo much! I love my little pixel Darbys! Maybe if I get enough of them I'll make a printout and plaster them all along the back of his tank. :lol:

Oh, and to the other people who requested pixel bettas, you can still request them (only one per person please!). I'm just doing them in order, so whoever is on the top of my list on the first page will be the next to have a betta done.

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