Betta ATE his meds!


Fish Crazy
Mar 6, 2004
Reaction score
Pittsburgh PA
Hi, I posted last week about finally finding a crowntail... Well today I noticed he had a bit of fungus growing on his head, so I put Fungus Clear (those fizzy tabs) in his bowl. Well it dissolved, and there was some fizz on top of the water, so mr betta thinks its food of some sort & gulps it :(

I know there was a post similar to this before, but I forget what was eaten & what kind of fish it was. He kinda shook his head afterwards, now hes swimming around as usual.

I'm so worried! Anyone have any experience w/ this med? It worked great for my baby mollies, but I don't think they ate any of it...
don't take this seriously, cuz i'm not sure of it. but i would think that if the pill fizz would hurt him, then they would maybe make a pill that doesn't fizz? but like i said, i'm not sure.....but i don't think it would hurt him....did he spit it back out?
oh i hope it wont hurt him! hes resting now at the bottom, which of course is making me paranoid...

He kinda spit it out, it was like he gulped & went BLEH & kinda freaked out for a second.
Abe, I have had other fish eat medicine before and it never resulted in a death. I've never used fungus clear though. If he's okay tomorrow when you wake up I'd say he'll be fine.
i read something on here a few days ago about somones fish eating meds before they disolved and dying. i think it was an oscar though and i dont remember what the meds were.
im guessing that if its a fizzy tab, it should be ok but i dont know for sure.
You know they should sell a detox med for things like this...

still resting...
My bettas have eaten Kanacyn several times... yours should be fine :nod:

Let us know how he is doing tomorrow :thumbs:
Kanamycin is an antibiotic that can be administered by mixing it with certain fish foods. Without knowing what the ingredients in the product you use are, it is hard to tell what effect eating it might have.

If it only ate some bubbles, however, I don't think he could have ingested very much of it. If he ate fragments of the medicine, that could be a different situation entirely. :eek:
The ingredients are: nitrofurazone, furazolidone, & potassium dichromate, and he doesnt seem to be doing well :sad:
find a phone number on the box and call the company and ask them about it. who else would know more about the product, and things it can do, than the company itself?

Those chemicals are nasty. Nitrofurazone is similar to Nitrofurantoin which is a antibiotic taken by humans.

He's alive :p

Seems a bit more active right now, so I think things are well, sorry for sounding so paranoid...

He swims around & around, then he just stops & rests on the bottom w/ his swimmy fins held against his body, but he seems to be swimming more now than before. I emailed the company last night but haven't gotten a response, I'm gonna call them in a few minutes here.

Thanks Everyone :)

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