Betta Aquarium Plan is Definetly A Go


Store Manager Coalville Aquatics
Feb 7, 2004
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Ok, So My plans for a Betta Aquarium were put on hold for a while.

But they are Back on Now.

Location is not an issue and Getting The Stock has been solved.

I have No issue with Advertising and a Website will be made for me, by a freind.

I have Located a Breeder in the Uk only 1hr from me, Who can get me#

Half Moons
Super Deltas
and the Rest.

I especially want to stock pharoahs and American Pride, which may be harder to get. but he said He will Try for Me. What a Score.

I am Going to keep a database of my customers details and what they have purchased, so i can track any Issues and have reporting programs in place. I can get all my Programs and Databases done by Freinds.

They way in which i wish to sell teh Bettas, are in Complete Setups.
So it would be.

Bowl or Tank
Info Pack or CDROM. I can do these Myself.

This way the Customer does not have go look for evertyhing else. They can take it all away with them.

And I have devised a way in which they can take the fish away in their Display Tank. This took some time to research, but after experimenting, have found a method i like that works.

So you can take your Betta away with you and not have to worry about setting up the tank.

What do you guys think.

I have reseached the market and there is a definite strong need for a specialist shop. Most shop dont have the room to hold these fish and can only get say 5-6 a week in to sell. And out of these 2-3 usually die because tehy get put in the wrong tank.

Now the issue with People Messing with the fish is not an issue.
I am going to Use Shirley Aquatics Method, so that People Cannot get near teh fish and can only look at them. A Metal Wall will Seperate the Tank from people and I may put up Screen aswell, to stop kids climbing over.
Trust Me After Speaking with Managers and Owners, they wish they had the room to do what shirleys do.

TFF Members would get a Discount - I am thinking of 20% Discount on all Fish not tanks.
I kinda like being able to inspect the fish to make sure there's nothing wrong with it... but I guess with your shop you plan on selling higher quality fish than we'd find elsewhere.
You could build a plexiglass wall lined with shelves to display your bettas. That way you can still display them and people can still see them close up, but not get to them....... Just a thought.

I am considering this. Or like having a sliding screen, that i and staff can open.

are u talking about opening up your own shop for selling bettas?

Yes I am going to open a Betta Shop. My main Stock will be Bettas and Companion Fish. Like Palyeatus Corydoras, After experimenting with different Fish, the Palyeatus is the best Companion Fish For Bettas, as they can Take Cooler Temps and Can happily live in a Goldfish Bowl. You Know thosw ones with Plastic Lids and Bases. Also White Mountain Clouds, The Bettas don't chase or nip them, and in The Size Bowls I would Stock you could have 3 + Betta.

So I would Sell the bowl and Betta and Cory's + A Goldfish Bowl Filter(I have tried these and they are suprisingly Good). Food, Marbles or stones + Dechlorinator and Meds for say £15-20.00. This will still leave me with a Profit.
And then a Light would be extra, Just a Simple Desk Lamp Is Suffecient.
I think it is a REALLY GOOD idea!! And when your shop is set up I will definatley be one of the firdt customers as I am looking into breeding bettas....
Sounds live in Coventry yes psgill?

Yes thats right.

The location I am Hoping to go for is Near the Market in the Arcade.

Ohh I have Chosen a Name as Well.


Nice and Simple and Easy to Remember.
wow-i checked out the shirleys website and all of those htings look like they would be ather expensive to install!!
Cost is not an Issue for me.

The Hard Design of the Shop, I can get done by Family.

Lots of Builders and Carpenters in the Family.

My Dad Can get those Barriers Made For me at a Freinds Factory.

Initial Setup Costs are Coming in @ 15K, So its Alot Less than I anticipated.
Plans have changed from my original concept.

Now I have an Aquarium Job I am going to concentrate on learning alot more about the business to give me more experience and a better grasp on anything i may not have thought about.

I am no Longer going to open a shop, but have found that a nicley sized unit will be alot cheaper and easier to maintain. I would not have to make it look too shop like either, More Warehouse Type.

It will make it easier for parking/Deliveries and Rent Would be reduced by over 60% - City Centre Location came in @ £15-30K P/Annum.

I could then Concentrate on having a Web Based Business, instead of having to rely on Pedestrian Traffic.

I may even be eligble for a grant, which opens more Oportunities than going it alone. The Charity offers an immense amount of backup and helps with Advertising Cost's aswell.
sounds liek a brilliant idea!good luck and if i ever visit your part of the world ill be at Gills for shure. ;) :p

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