Betta Anonymous


Fish Herder
Jun 25, 2004
Reaction score
Today I added another fish to my collection. This one cost 6 times more than my other three fish combined. Ouch. THIS HAS TO STOP :D

A beautiful dark blue Halfmoon. I chose him over a really beefy Plakat and a nice Super Delta. If I am not careful the Plakat and Super Delta will find there way here too soon :crazy:

I need serious help.
Bettas Anonymous? I can see it now........

Welcome to bettas anonymous! Here you can meet others like yourself
who cant stop buying bettas. We provide all our members with constant
care, so you can get over your addiction. This service is 100% Free and
100% Discreet. We meet every friday at the blah blah blah community

lol :lol: :lol:
Get a shocking dog collar, set it up on either side of the pet store's door, and wear the collar around your neck....
Works for me. LOL
I got my Betta's at four different stores....hhhmmmm..... let me see....... if I am going to buy 4 collars, hhhhmmm......... might as well buy more Betta's :D (man I have it bad).
Yes ral, you do have it bad amd for this reason the only cure for you is a big nasty injection with a gazzilion sharp fine needles, it is known as a budget! It is so painfull you will need an anesthetic! Just kidding, lol
Tsk tsk. Pretty soon you'll start looking at 100 gallon tanks and thinking, "wow, if I split that up, think of how many bettas I could put in it!" :lol:
Tsk tsk. Pretty soon you'll start looking at 100 gallon tanks and thinking, "wow, if I split that up, think of how many bettas I could put in it!"

100 gallons is a bit big, but how many could I put into a 75G tank.... 20-30? :D

I guess one thing is that Betta's are cheap here so the temptation to rescue the petitic betta in a small plastic cup :-( (poor betta), I could get 2-3 betta's for thr cost of a McDonald meal.

I got into betta's a month ago and I rescued 6 betta's in a cup and got one that well did not really need rescuing. Two of these went to my girlfiriend. One of the one with my girl firend, a little female died :-( so I sent over my own baby female betta (Sam) to replace her.

My GF's sisters has purchsed 8 betta's in two weeks (one pased away). My best firend now got one two.

Among the four of us we have purchased 15 betta's in the past 30 days!!!

11 were rescues, while 4 were good samples imported from Thailand by a local breeder.

I guess I am joking, but we really might have a problem.
Once you see all the colors and can't resist lol..or I can't anyways.

I want a red, another blue (since my first one died :(), a orange/black, a pink, a solid black, a purple, and a white/black.

But I'll have to build another tank before I do all that lol. Theone I am building right now has cost me close to $100, but it's gonna be super neat once it's done.

I dunno why these little fish are so addictive..but they sure as scones are. :lol:
I've been to 7 pet stores, all looking for bettas, not for me for a friend, but SHEESH not to buy for yourself is tough!

Being broke helps...ALOT! :lol:
Sad, isn't it. I, personally, wish I were in the position to have the ability to turn down a betta with beautiful finnage. :p

Now, even going by the fact that you have a girlfriend, I know not your age. Therefore, if you happen to be living with parents, another way to curb the purchases is by getting your mom so mad about messes caused by your hobby that she won't let you get more stock. ;) On the downside, this might mean having to say goodbye to all of your fish. :p
Am 35... and my girl friend actually got me into fish in the first place (she has like 40-50 fish). So if I dont stop on my own I AM DOOMED.
I see, then don't talk to cluster. He's in the same predicament, though I think he is enjoying the bug (not the betta bug). He'll probably get you to spend more on them.

Well then, I can't help you out. Mind over beautiful betta matter. :D

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