Betta And What?

jakey boi

Fish Fanatic
Mar 5, 2006
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i am hoping to purchase a betta i am not sure what tail it would be but i will be starting with vt.
i am wondering what other fish i could have with the betta ??I have a 96 litre tank,
some fish i really like are cardinals , ruby sharks and rams would these fish be okay ??
thanks in advance for the helpful answers you will provide! :D

Male or female betta(s)?

My harlequin rasboras are the least nippy cyps/ characins in my tank, and they don't really bother any of the other fish.

Depending on the temperament of your betta, it might bother the rams, at least, if your rams are skittish like my newly acquired ones.

I've heard bettas and neons don't mix, and cardinals aren't that much different from neons. *shrugs*

Corydoras would also be a nice substrate-level fish to add. ^_^
i was hoping to get a male betta ,
but so far it isnt looking good i might have to buy a new 5or 6 gallon tank for it will that be okay for 1 male betta??

i have looked at german rams would they be okay??
you want to move away from fast moving fish, and tetras in general, as they are all quite nippy!

you dont want to stress your betta out or it will be prone to disease.

rams can be quite terratorial, or atleast mine are.

but substrate level fish are a good idea...

if you want a betta( this is what i did)..set up a community tank with you 96l, and get a 2.5 to 5gal for your betta.maybe put some adf's or ghost shrimps in..

just a idea! :D

yeh thanks that is good advice and i think i might have to buy a seperate tank and keep the betta in there and use my 96 litre for other fish :D
5 gallons are paradise for a betta. I have one with a Dwarf African Frog....and I was wondering why I'd see the frog zipping up to get air like its pants were on fire. Well, I always thought the betta was pretty sedate and passive etc. He's small in size so I didn't think he'd bother anybody..but there he was trying to bite Ms. Froggie one night when she was floating in a patch of Riccia. Shame! Some bettas will be aggressive and some won't toward certain species. It's just something you'll have to watch and take action if he starts creating discord in his 5 gallon world.

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