Betta And Shrimp

It depends entirely on your males personality really. If he's feisty and active then I would say they'd make an expensive meal, if he's more laid back and lazy then you might get away with it as long as you give them lots of cover. Any shrimplets would probably still be food though. Ammano shrimp would work better as they're much bigger, my betta don't even bat an eyelid at the two I have that share the tank with them :good:
It depends entirely on your males personality really. If he's feisty and active then I would say they'd make an expensive meal, if he's more laid back and lazy then you might get away with it as long as you give them lots of cover. Any shrimplets would probably still be food though. Ammano shrimp would work better as they're much bigger, my betta don't even bat an eyelid at the two I have that share the tank with them :good:

Thank you :) will see if my LFS carry ammano shrimp then :) if not will see if anyone here has any xxx

He is very laid back :) plenty active but very calm xxx
I have heard of people keeping them with cherry shrimp successfully, but I think you are better of trying him with ammanos :) They're generally easy to get hold of, and are also sold under the name yamato shrimp :good:
I have heard of people keeping them with cherry shrimp successfully, but I think you are better of trying him with ammanos :) They're generally easy to get hold of, and are also sold under the name yamato shrimp :good:

Thank you, I really appreciate the help :) will let you know how I get on. LFS isn't open until Sunday but might be able to get to pets at home tomorrow. :) will post pictures tomorrow xxx
Good stuff :D Just be sure that the are 100% ammano shrimp (as they are sometimes miss sold as a more aggressive species). Just check out some photos before you go so you can make sure they are selling you the right ones- the ones you don't want have much bigger claws anyway and are generally easy to spot, so you should be fine ^^

When you introduce them, I would first feed your male so he's not hungry, and when you release them net them out of the bag and let them go somewhere at the bottom with plenty of cover so that they can immediately go and hide. And then it will be a waiting game to see if he takes to them or not. Another good trick is to take him out of the tank, rescape it, release the shrimp and then add him back- that way he wont see them as being introduced into his territory :)

Looking forward to photos! :good:
Introduce them in the tank without the light on, too.

I have cherry shrimp in a 14 gallon tank at work with a Betta, but he's the most chill Betta ever. He swam over to check one out, and when it swam away I swear I could hear him think "wellllll.... I'll never get one of those. They're too fast. Back to my nap." ;) He also has some fish friends and he never bothers them either.

You know, it's interesting... I have one LFS here that houses all of their Bettas in the aquariums with other fish. Some are with shrimp, some with small fish, some with larger fish. I specifically chose this guy because he was with other small fish. I've never asked, but I wonder how they choose what tank they go into. I'm sure it helps with future success mixing them with other fish, rather than those that spend their beginning lives in a small bowl/cup with no other living things.
Photos first thing!! I got 3 ammanos today :D all happily playing on my fake plant. Will be ordering some real for that tank.

My betta Ember doesn't seem bothered by them at all, watched them for a while and just swam off. Not bothered in the slightest :)

Thank you for suggestions, watch for photos in morning, laptop being a nightmare tonight, on iPad lol xxx

Introduce them in the tank without the light on, too.

I have cherry shrimp in a 14 gallon tank at work with a Betta, but he's the most chill Betta ever. He swam over to check one out, and when it swam away I swear I could hear him think "wellllll.... I'll never get one of those. They're too fast. Back to my nap." ;) He also has some fish friends and he never bothers them either.

You know, it's interesting... I have one LFS here that houses all of their Bettas in the aquariums with other fish. Some are with shrimp, some with small fish, some with larger fish. I specifically chose this guy because he was with other small fish. I've never asked, but I wonder how they choose what tank they go into. I'm sure it helps with future success mixing them with other fish, rather than those that spend their beginning lives in a small bowl/cup with no other living things.

This made me giggle!! :D the shrimp I got today had been housed with other fish and bettas. I love that store, she is very particular about how fish are kept and won't sell fish together that are incompatible or if you don't have the right size tank. She's lovely!! She doesn't keep bettas in teeny little tanks, they are all in the regular tanks. Always so tempted in there but mum will kill me if I buy anymore tanks :L xxx
Brilliant stuff :D Ammanos are fascinating little critters to watch too, especially when they get their "hands" on some food :D
I'm just falling in love with shrimp, too. I also have Amanos in my home tank and I love watching them!
I was going to keep some cherry shrimp with my betta but researched a lot and basically in most cases it is just a matter of time. Some have successfully kept them for 5-6 months and even longer together without a problem but they eventually figure out shrimp is a tasty food.
I was going to keep some cherry shrimp with my betta but researched a lot and basically in most cases it is just a matter of time. Some have successfully kept them for 5-6 months and even longer together without a problem but they eventually figure out shrimp is a tasty food.

i dont think they go after them as food. i think sometimes the shrimp moves in a way that makes the betta attack my instict. my blue vt used to do that a lot.
I was going to keep some cherry shrimp with my betta but researched a lot and basically in most cases it is just a matter of time. Some have successfully kept them for 5-6 months and even longer together without a problem but they eventually figure out shrimp is a tasty food.

i dont think they go after them as food. i think sometimes the shrimp moves in a way that makes the betta attack my instict. my blue vt used to do that a lot.

I am going to try it one day anyway when my shrimp start breeding too much and I've knowhere to put them :) but for now they'll stay away. II saw my betta attack my new ottos and it took me about a week to notice actually so it wasn't that often but it did happen. If he gave a small shrimp a nip like that it would end up dead probably.

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