Betta And Microrasbora


Fish Gatherer
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
North East UK
So I am setting up a heavily planted fluval edge (6gal)

I am trying to think about what to stock with but am not sure what exactly to go for. I definatley want some cherry shrimp, and most likley a betta (I am aware about the air issue) however I think it may look a little bare as I am used to quite 'busy' tanks full of tetra etc.

I am thinking of attempting to get some microrasbora, or a very small tetra (ideas?) but I am wondering about the compatibility of these with a betta and cherry shrimp. Are they likley to be eaten?
If so, is there anything else I can suitably stock in this small of a tank? I am fine with the tank being a little overstocked by the inch per gallon rule as long as the fish can coincide happily, bearing in mind the tank will be heavily planted.

The only other thing I can think of is a dwarf puffer, but I have no idea as I have never kept them before!!

ETA: What about endlers, would they work?
I keep my Betta in a heavily planted tank with six Pygmy Corydoras, Six Vietnamese Cardinals and some shrimp. My Cardinals are about the same size as the microrasbora's would be and I have no problems.

It really is all down to the personality of the Betta though, as some varients are more aggressive (I have a halfmoon). If you put him in last then that will also help.
My fighter has a shoal of Chilli Rasboras for company, no issues.
should in theory be fine, however Cherry shrimp may be seen as food, Amanos or slightly larger shrimp tend to do better with bettas :)
should in theory be fine, however Cherry shrimp may be seen as food, Amanos or slightly larger shrimp tend to do better with bettas :)

Have kept bettas with cherries before myself with no problems, but then again he got along with other fish too. Cherries are fairly small so it's easy to see why some bettas see them as food :rolleyes:

At 6 gal, I would just put either a few male endlers in with the betta or just shrimp :good:

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