Betta And Goldfish Toghether! Yeah!


Fish Fanatic
Oct 25, 2005
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I tested my bettas non-harmful side last week.
Well I want to get tropical saltwater fish so I decided that Id put my betta in my goldfish tank. I was kinda :drool: nervous. The betta didnt even touch them for one whole week! Is this surprising or what! Now I can get saltwater fish! :drool:

Im so happy! :wub:
I certainly wouldn't recommend this. Betta's are tropical fish, and need tropical temperatures, while goldfish are coldwater, and need different temperatures. Also, goldfish create a lot of waste. A warmer goldfish tank would make difficult for the goldfish to breathe as O2 doesn't occur so easily in warmer water, plus warmer water is (and this is something for which I cannot give proof) often responsible for shortening a goldfishes lifespan.

What size tank are the goldies in?
.... No.

Separate them. Now. Fighting is NOT the only issue here, as many people mentioned in your other post on this issue. -_-

- Goldfish are coldwater fish, not tropical fish. Bettas need a temp of 74-82 to survive. Goldfish will be too warm and produce way too much waste in this temp. They will also have breathing troubles.
- Goldfish and bettas have entirely different dietary needs. And goldfish will def. out-compete your bettas for food.
- Goldfish like a strong current. Bettas will physically stress and die from a strong current.
- Goldfish WILL rip of the bettas fins when they get big enough; they're attracted to long, flowy, potentially meal-like things.
- Goldfish need at least 20gal per fish to survive their full life expectancy. Bettas become stressed in tanks greater than 10 gal. Your goldfish are only in a 10 gal as it is, which isn't enough for one goldfish.
- Goldfish are social fish. Bettas are not social fish, and are unsettled by other fish in the tank.
- Goldfish are huge waste producters. Bettas are sensitive to filthy water.

I'm a little annoyed right now. We told you in the thread when you asked if they could go together that it was an absolute "no." You've done it anyways. And since you are a begginner and clearly do not know basic betta or goldfish care, you should not try saltwater; it is a very difficult, involved type of tank set-up, and the fish will very inevitably die. Please reconsider, and move your betta back into another tank.
hes doing fine. Hes not sick or anything??? Im going to leave him in there.
Its already really warm like 75-80 in our house like everyday! Its really hot. He'll live. :)
But hes doing fine???? Im going to take him out ok? Jeesh! lol He'll Be fine alone right?

I think I'll take ur guyses advice! lol im really dum im only 14 lol!
Hang on a second... salt water tropicals? You mean brackish or tropical marine? If you mean eithe of those then I must warn you Goldfish & Bettas fit into NEITHER of those catagories.

Bettas are freshwater tropical.
Goldfish are freshwater coldwaters.

Bettas need tropical water (this meaning sticking a heater at a certain temp in the tank)
Goldfish need coldwater (meaning no heater in the tank and keeping the tank)

Bettas and goldfish are NOT compatible because they need COMPLETELY DIFFERENT environments.

No wonder your Betta isn't being aggressive... It's having to tolerate coldwater temps and is probally stressed out as hell because of it.
So, um, hey, when's the funeral?

*scratches head*

Maybe a tad too sarcastic?

But hes doing fine???? Im going to take him out ok? Jeesh! lol He'll Be fine alone right?

I think I'll take ur guyses advice! lol im really dum im only 14 lol!

He's doing fine currently. However, he would not survive long term, nor will the goldfish in the current tank size. I understand that you are a beginner, not "dumb," but you really should listent to the advice you are being given instead of ignoring it to experiment. You're very lucky the betta hasn't been wounded yet.

Bettas will def. always be fine alone; they are a solitary species, and do not appreciate or thrive from the company of other fish. He'll be much happier and healthier alone. :thumbs:
.... No.

Separate them. Now.
Hate to say it, but give him some slack.
I'm kinda expecting that your betta or Goldfish will get very hurt, or even die.

Now, It is possible.
There are rare cases where bettas live in harmony with other fish, but like I said, rare.
Bettas can live in colder waters, so if anything, keep the tank cool for the Goldfish. I'm going to support you, only because it seems our 'elder' members seem to jump....

Bettas are sensitive to filthy water.
Lol, your joking right? Bettas are Known for being able to live in a green slimey puddle. I seriously hope that was a joke!

While I'm "supporting" you, I do have to disagree alittle.
But its your choice, and we'd never have 'rare accurences' in fishkeeping if someone didn't try it, and be sucessful!!
Bettas are sensitive to filthy water.
Lol, your joking right? Bettas are Known for being able to live in a green slimey puddle. I seriously hope that was a joke!
Absolutely not. The circulation at the ends of a male long-finned bettas fins is very poor, which makes them prone to finrot. Finrot can progress up the fins and become lethal bodyrot. Bettas aren't the most sensitive fish in the world, it's true, but they are prone to bacterial infections that can become a serious problem if they are left untreated in filthy water. This is especially true of pet store bettas, as their immune systems are often compromised due to inbreeding.
So then why can they last so long in those little quorter filled cups at walmart?
I've seen a betta there for atleast 5 days....
And in walmart, thats nothing short of a mirical.
So then why can they last so long in those little quorter filled cups at walmart?
I've seen a betta there for atleast 5 days....
And in walmart, thats nothing short of a mirical.

This is why so many bettas often develop or even have fin rot when we buy them. I think finrot and ich are like the top diseases I've seen here. It doesn't strike me as coincidence that these bettas also tend to come from locations where they are kept in these conditions. Sorry, that was off-topic.

I don't agree with you Ethos on bettas with goldfish, though I admire you for playing devil's advocate. They have too many different requirements. It may work short-term, but one of them is going to have a compromised life. If the tank is too hot, the goldfish will be on overdrive. If it's too cold, the betta will suffer. A previous post illustrated very well the different conditions needed to keep these fish.

Now to cut Ihave2goldfish some slack, based on previous posts, I think efforts are being made to upgrade the goldfish's home. Ihave2goldfish is aware that the tank needs to be upgraded to something in the range of 55+ gallons. This was explained before in another thread, and Ihave2goldfish was very receptive and willing to provide a better home for the goldfish.

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