Betta and Friends


New Member
May 20, 2003
Reaction score
Venice, Florida
I started a new community tank in a 29 gallon tank. It started with my male betta I moved from a 1 gallon bowl. My friend gave me a black goldfish. I have since added around 15 ghost shrimp, 4 black mollies, 6 zebra danios, and 3 velvet swords. Any more suggestions for my underwater town? There's still room.
Yes you still have space but you can't add fish that fast. Goldfish are coldwater and should not really be in with tropicals they are very messy and the high temperatures make it harder for them to live because they have a higher demand for oxygen and at higher temperatures there is less oxygen dissolved in the water.

I would suggest you read this: its got the main points if you are unsure just ask, i would also recommend you buy a nitrIte and an ammonia test kit as you will need to test for these and maybe do a water change to prevent your existing fish from suffering in toxic conditions :(

Welcome to the forum! :)
Okay. Thanks. Guess I just got too excited. What do you think about me moving the goldfish and a few of the shrimp to the bowl I had the betta in? I live in South Florida and my water stays at a constant 76 without a heater
No Snow...Count yourself Lucky! I just moved from Upstate NY that's all we had...10 months of winter & 2 months of spring LOL
You're not the only one who has never seen snow. I have lived in Texas all of my life, and at a young age, I moved to the coast. There isn't much snow around here.

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